death. I killed seven with the saber, and nine with the dagger. May Russia blossom for ever. Cossack Mossiy Shilo was strong. More than once he commanded at sea, and he went through numerous trials. He might have been Koshevoy, but he was of a particular type of Cossacks. He used to drink and spend without telling, and he owed everyone money in Syetch. Besides, he was a notorious thief : one night, he stole a harness and sold it to an innkeeper. For such a shameful act, he was tied to a post, next to a club, so that anyone could punish him. But not a single Cossack took the club to Shilo, for all could remember his high deeds. So was the Cossack Mossiy Shilo. Farewell, brothers, comrades. May Russia remain for ever the pillar of orthodox faith. May Russia be its honor ! And the Cossacks are fighting. But already Zadorozhniy is dead, and Koshevoy is dead. Then Pysarenko's dead, then another, and then a third Pysarenko dies too. But the Cossacks are fighting to the end of their forces. I thank God for allowing me to die before your eyes, comrades. May our followers live better than we did. And may our beloved Russia remain the Lord's favourite. So, brothers ? Your cartridges are full ? Your swords are not dull ? Your power is intact ? Did the Cossacks surrender ? Our swords are still sharp ! And the Cossacks are still fighting. Fire ! Ostap, hold on ! Good, son, good ! Bastard ! I'm with you, Ostap ! Father ! Hey, Ostap, Ostap... The Cossacks have crossed the river. Soon, Asia Minor will acknowledge them, their shaven heads, their long toupees... It will see the turbans of muslim inhabitants spread like countless flowers on fields engorged with blood. It will see the Cossacks' baggy black trousers, and their muscled arms waving black whips. And the pleasure they'll take in sailing again. They will sail against turkish ships, despite the miniscule size of their own boats. One third of them will be lost at sea, but the others will gather again and they'll reach the Dnieper's mouth, loaded with dozens of barrels full of Turkish gold. My son, Ostap, my... Listen up, Yankel, I saved your life, it's your turn, now. Do me a favour. If it's a favour I can do, why not ? Don't say a word. Take me to Warsaw. To Warsaw ? But why Warsaw ? Take me... to Warsaw. I have never been there and I must see him one last time and tell him one word. Tell him a word ? To Ostap, my son. If the master doesn't know yet... He knows. My head is worth two thousand crowns. I'll give you five thousand. Two thousand now, and the rest when we're back. I guess the man whose money it was before, did not live more than an hour. I'd have preferred not to have to ask. I could have found the road to Warsaw by myself. But I don't have any time to lose. So prepare your cart and take me there ! And the master thinks it's enough to say : "Yah Sivka, let's go" ? And the master thinks that nobody will search for him ? Well, I'll hide if I have to. In an empty barrel, or what ? Why, an empty barrel ? Anybody would think that the barrel's not empty, but full of vodka. Let them think so, then. Yes, and at the first check, they will drill a hole in the barrel, they'll see that nothing is flowing and they will say... A Jew never carries an empty barrel. That's a bit true, isn't it ? They will seize the Jew, tie him down, take his money and throw him in jail. Because all that goes wrong is the Jew's fault. Because everybody takes the Jew for a dog ! Because everybody thinks : he's not a man. I am Jew. But you'll take me, won't you, please ? WARSAW Colonel, we're already in Warsaw. What ? Did you succeed ? My poor master, it is not possible nowadays. Absolutely, impossible. A people so mean that they ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Раннее лето на английском - текст Альтовая соната. Дмитрий Шостакович на английском - текст Возвращение на английском - текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском - текст Вокзал для двоих на английском |