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Главная / Тарас Бульба

Тарас Бульба

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have anything to do,
why couldn't we be drinking ?
Bulba's eldest son has spoken well !
And this is not a sin !
And we are going to show them now
what it means to attack
defenseless people.
They have been hitting hard before, but we'll
hurt them so deeply that they won't get over it.
Master !
Colonel !
Master colonel !
I've been in the city.
Did the enemy take you there ?
When I heard the noise, when
the Cossacks started to shoot,
I ran toward the city gate, just when
the Polish troops were coming in.
A the head of the troops
was Lieutenant Galyandowicz.
He's been owing me one
hundred crowns for three years.
I followed him to get my money back,
and I entered in the city.
What, you ? Entered in the city ?
And you wanted to get back your debt ?
And he didn't hang you as a dog ?!
Yes ! He wanted to !
He put a rope around my
neck, but I begged him,
and I promised I'd lend him more money.
And since the Lieutenant doesn't have
a single penny in his pocket,
he can't sit at the Diet (*).
(*) Polish parliament.
And what have you been doing in the city ?
Did you see our men ?
Of course !
Itska, and Samuel, and Rafael...
To hell with them !
I'm talking about Cossacks !
Uh-uh, Cossacks...
I saw...
master Andriy.
You saw him ?
Andriy ?
But how ?
And where did you see him ?
In a basement ?
In a pit ?
Dishonoured ?
Chained ?
No, who would dare chain master Andriy ?
This majestic...
knight ?
God knows I hadn't recognized him...
with his golden epaulets,
his golden cuffs,
his golden hat...as a matter of
fact, everything was golden.
And a golden belt,
gold everywhere.
And the Voyvod gave him a horse.
A horse worth two hundred crowns alone.
That's it.
But why would he wear such a disguise ?
He passed over.
Passed where ?
He's passed over to their side.
He's one of them now.
You're lying, bastard !
And why would I lie to you ?
I know a Jew can get hanged from a tree
like a dog, should he lie to a master.
Then, if it was him, you think,
did he deny his motherland, his faith ?
No, no, no, I never said he did !
I only said that he
passed over to their side.
You lie, damn Jew !
Such a thing is unthinkable
in a Christian country !
You lie, dog !
Let grass not grow on my threshold,
and let spit on my father's grave,
and on my mother's, and
my father's father's, if I lie !
If the master allows, I can even
explain why he passed over.
Why ?!
The Voyvod's daughter is beautiful.
Great God, a true beauty !
It's because of her, if he passed over.
I questioned the Tatar chambermaid.
There will a a marriage, as soon
as the Cossacks are defeated.
Master Andriy promised
to defeat the Cossacks.
Why didn't you kill him
on the spot, son of a bitch ?
Why kill him ?
Because of what he's done ?
He's better over there.
That's why he passed over.
You saw him ?
The same face ?
In truth, the same face.
He came toward me, recognized
me and said : Yankel...
What did he say ?
Tell my father.
Tell my brother.
Tell the Cossacks.
Tell it in Zaporozhye, tell them all.
That from now on...
My father is not my father any more.
My brother is not my brother,
my comrade is not a comrade any more.
And that I shall fight them all !
I shall fight them all !
Go away before I kill you, damn Jew.
Alert !
Alert !
What's the matter ?
My brothers, God be praised !
I thought I'd never find you.
I've been riding this horse for five days.
What happened ?
Syetch, ablaze.
People, all killed,
or enslaved.
I alone could escape.
Well, brother,
maybe we'll meet again,
or maybe not.
Forgive me, brother.
God forgive you.
And to the next time.
God forgive.
For the third time, forgive.
God forgive.
Are they leaving ?
I don't understand.
What does that mean ?
Only half of them.
It means that only half of them remain.
Half the Cossacks are gone.
The other half remain.
Sirs, this is our only chance.
Tomorrow, we'll crush and overcome them.
A toast
Тарас Бульба Тарас Бульба

Читайте также:
- текст Родители на английском
- текст Назад в будущее 3 на английском
- текст Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока на английском
- текст Малышка на миллион на английском
- текст Сириана на английском

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