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George is.
But Stuart is rehearsing his play.
Then he's sleeping over at Will's house.
- He's going without George?
- I think it'll give him room to grow.
Oh, Stuart, we've been walking for hours.
I can't take another step.
You know me, I hate to be negative.
But when I walk this much, I chafe.
Also, I hate to bring this up...
...but I need to go tinky.
How about the alley?
I'm a house cat. We're fastidious creatures.
We don't just yell, "Bomb's away!"
and go wherever we are!
Oh, look, let's face it. We'll never find her.
If only we knew someone
who really knew the city.
Yeah, someone who knows
the city's disgusting underbelly.
Who do I know that's disgusting?
Don't threaten me!
What I could tell the health inspector...
...would close you down in a New York minute!
Snowbell! What are you doing here?
- We've been looking all over for you.
- We need your help.
Hey, Snow, are you two still friends
or can I eat him?
- No, Monty, you can't eat him.
- Please.
No! Now, pay attention.
What do you know about a bird called Falcon?
Falcon? Oh, that's a bad guy.
You don't want to fool with him.
Where would we find him?
You don't want to find him.
You don't want anything to do with him.
Trust me.
He'd eat you so fast you'd be falcon poop
before you could yell for help.
Falcons are vicious.
They grab you by your neck and carry you
so high, you can't even see the ground.
Then they drop you. And when you land,
they drink what's left through a straw.
Snowbell, are you all right?
Oh, yeah. In fact, good news:
I no longer need a litter box.
Mop up on aisle three.
Stu, listen.
This whole thing has been a groove and a gas...
...but it's important to know when the fun's over.
You don't want to be that last pathetic person
who leaves a party.
I told you. I'm not giving up.
We're going to find the falcon.
All right, then. It's your funeral.
Okay, listen. Listen carefully.
The falcon lives across the park...
...at the very tiptop of the Pishkin Building.
Not many people go up there.
And even fewer return.
Well, here we are, Snowbell. This is it.
"Salmon, catfish, tuna."
Why do they taunt me?
How can you think of food at a time like this?
Stay on track, will you?
I'm nervous. When I'm nervous, I eat.
Because I know in my growling gut
if anything happens to you, I'll be blamed.
I'm sure they already know we're gone
and plan to replace me with a hamster.
Don't worry. George has us covered.
George doesn't know poop from applesauce.
And I say that with a great deal of affection.
- Hello, Little residence.
- Oh, George. I'm glad you answered.
Who is it? Can you speak louder?
George, it's me, Stuart.
Where are you? How are you? Did you
find her? Are you all right? How's Snowbell?
When'll you be home?
Mom and Dad are asking lots of questions.
So are you.
I only have a second.
I just want you to know that we're on the trail...
...and with any luck, we'll be home by dinner.
And, George...
- ...thanks for covering for me.
- Sure.
But where are you?
Now, listen closely.
We're at the Pishkin Building.
Please deposit $0.35 for the next five minutes.
- Snowbell, I need more change.
- What do I look like, a fanny pack?
Are you still there?
Is that Stuart?
Let me think. Yeah.
I thought he was coming home.
He is. Later.
He and Will just need to rehearse some more.
In fact, I just left him at Will's.
Hello, Mrs. Little. Is George home?
- Will, I found it!
- Found what?
- The calculator.
- The calculator?
Will, where's Stuart?
It's okay. She knows about the play.
It's supposed to be a surprise.
I had to tell her so she'd know
Stuart's at your house. We're going back there.
Oh, yeah. Right. It's going to be great.
I just need to get the calculator?
- To figure out how long to rehearse.
- It's a very complicated play.
- Come on. Let's go.
- See you later, Mrs. Little.
George, don't forget
you two have a soccer game later.
We'll meet you
Стюарт Литтл 2 Стюарт Литтл 2

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