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it is,
ten gallons or more.
Girls, fuck them.
Let us sing our song.
What are you moaning about?
What are you moaning about?
Everything got burnt down.
Everything. And our papers too.
And our blankets. Everything.
It was a good house. What a pity!
Now what? You are alive, your kids are alive.
And spit on the house. Take
Anna's house.
Thank you, thank you, old ladies.
When I was at home, I had everything.
I had a ram, and a hen, I had everything.
I could be hospitable to guests.
And now I can not. Do you understand?
If our Lord permits, everything will be OK.
I think we'll set things straight. We'll have everything.
Let's go.
I took yourfatherto my house.
He'll be warm. Do not grieve!
Anything may happen.
Sleep. Sleep.
Will you go?
Let's go.
Oh, my sufferer.
Let me help you take off your boots.
Take off your hat.
Take off yourtrousers.
Lie down, lie down.
The money is sewn in everywhere.
And what a pretender!
My Asian genie.
Why are you screaming? Why are you screaming?
Your devil will not get anywhere.
ljust stroked it.
Run, run around, cool it down.
Have you done this?
Have you set this house on fire?
Do not refuse it.
You smell of kerosene.
Have you had any second thoughts, bastard?
Where will these people live during winter months?
Are you mad?
As if we had had few grieves without this arson.
You know my hand...
We all will beat you now.
You'll remember!
Go home.
And take this to them. Go! Run!
Stop your unit!
What's up, ma'am?
Eh? I did not get it.
Give a few soldiers to me
to disassemble that house.
Where will I take the soldiers from?
We are exercising, my dear.
- And afterthe exercises?
- Afterthe exercises.
The house overthere on the slope.
Our God will not forgive you, old one.
Afunin, 20 degrees to the right.
Do you see the house on the slope?
Target it and fire.
If you miss, you'll serve two extraordinary duties.
And you, ma'am!
Move to the side.
Charge! Fire!
That's all, ma'am, go gatherthe logs.
I think they do not need any sawing.
Thanks, Fedor.
Follow me in a column, march!
We all keep guessing
what he is building overthere.
- We came to look at what you are doing.
- You mean this...
This will be an electric power station.
- Will we have this electricity?
- Yes, you will.
The other people took everything they could from us,
and the nature will give to us everything we need.
It is time to separate ourselves from the state.
It's cut us off, hasn't it?
And we'll cut it off as well.
The electricity has been cut off for ages here
as well as the radio.
Are we going to
live like cavemen, eh?
What for?
We'll set up the electricity first...
And think about the cattle later.
We'll set up a small farm.
Eh? Are you going to be a shepherd, Mikola?
- No, a chief veterinarian.
- Precisely.
And everything will be OK, old ladies.
Do you remember as the saying goes in yourtales?
We'll live along and earn more goods.
Earn more goods!
Ok, will we live to see this?
Fenya! Fenya! Where are you?
I'm here, here.
- Gala, is that you?
- Yes, yes, me.
What do you want?
Please, darling, pour some oil to me.
Oh, Lord, is this so pressing?
- Well, darling, what a pressing need.
- Yes, urgent.
What urgent?
I'm running out of oil as well
And have no money to buy it.
- Hello.
- As-salam Allah am!
I'm running out of oil and money too.
I do not know if there will be any pension this month.
Fedor says this month
they will pay.
Yes, everybody sits penniless
and you do not have any income.
I have everything.
I'm not like you beggars.
- Do you want some tea?
- Me? Drink yourtea?
Yes, I've cooked some pies.
- Here? Sitting on the floor? With him?
- Yes. What's wrong with that?
To hell this bold motherfucker!
Why do you swear?
Has he done anything wrong to you?
We Russians sit at the table.
And we sit this way.
We want it. And I do so.
I do not care
Старухи Старухи

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- текст Звездный Путь: Встреча капитанов на английском
- текст Тринадцатый апостол на английском
- текст Преступление в Раю на английском
- текст Садко-богатый на английском
- текст Вкус Сайры на английском

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