basket again. There's no one to nag me, to scold me. It's so boring! You might at least say a word! Listen, we haven't paid the light bill in three months. They say that if we don't pay it tomorrow they won't give us any more candles and will take our chandeliers. Papa, what are we living on, anyhow? The worst inn! - Good evening! - Hello! - Sorry, I should have knocked. - You made enough noise. Shall we get acquainted? I'm a soldier. Who are you? I'm a prince, but have a temporary job as a chimney sweep. So far I'm not doing very well. Is that so? Could you let me have a few crumbs for my nightingale? - For whom? - My nightingale. - Have you had dinner yourself? - Yes, but it was yesterday. All right, come here. That's for you. As for your nightingale, let her sing for her dinner. Thank you very much. Prince, huh? How could you, a prince, end up sweeping chimneys? I want to stay in this kingdom forever. But I have no money. A girl I'm in love with lives here. She's the most beautiful girl in the whole world. You'll have to admit that, or I'll challenge you to a duel. I'd do anything for you, but this is another matter. Because the loveliest girl in the whole wide world is the one I'm in love with. Then it's a duel! But who are you in love with? I'm just wondering. With the Princess. What? Fantastic! She's the one I love too! But she has rejected my love. Mine too. That's all right. We might as well be sad together. It's more fun that way. When a king has no money, He is lousy as a king. Why serve him if he's such? - Clean everything, you dummy! - I'll do it in a swing. I love His Majesty so much! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! The king is mum at day, The King is mum at night. You'd better not him touch. - Where did you put the tray? - It's here, let's not fight. I love His Majesty so much! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! My friends, let's try impress him and set a feast galore! We could even go Dutch. - Whoever took my besom? - Don't be such an old bore! I love His Majesty so much! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! Long live the King! Shall I harness the horses? Do you want me to set the table? You idiot! A revolt? A plot? A treason? What's happened, Your Majesty? There are flames and smoke in the king's room! Papa, did you throw your cigar in the waste basket again? Do something! We'll all be burned alive! Fire! The palace is burning! Oh damn... I haven't got a light. Oh! Why didn't I think of the tinder box! Have you achieved happiness with all your gold? And I had warned you. But the young people of today don't listen to their elders. So you came to ball me out, good and proper? Yes, as a matter of fact. Though I believe I had something else to tell you. Ah yes, I'm supposed to grant any wish you may have. Why? Because the tinder box I gave you isn't like any other. It's magic. Really? As soon as you strike with your steel upon your flint I have to appear and execute your every wish. Look, old friend, it's too dark in here. Could you light this candle? Oh, that's easy. Why should I perform a miracle when I've got matches? We should save our miracles. Could you work a real big miracle? I can do anything. Then could you make a certain person appear here this instant? The Princess, no less. Why don't you forget all that foolishness? You'd better learn some trade and be a useful member of society. As for the miracle, I'll do one to please you. I'll arrange for you to be admitted to university. With no exams. I don't want to. Study arithmetic, astrology, astrophysics... I don't want to! I'm in love with the Princess. I simply can't live without her. Your Princess is a spoiled brat, a hellcat. I don't care. I'm crazy about her. I warn you, you'll be sorry. She's a real headache. I love her ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Лунная радуга на английском - текст Отец и сын на английском - текст Дикая охота короля Стаха на английском - текст Судья Дредд на английском - текст Мольба на английском |