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with you...
To go all the way around!
When everything's so close.
Here a risk, there a risk.
What the hell!
You're being very flippant
about this.
I'm fed up with all those nuts
and bandages.
You may do as you wish,
but I'm going.
- You're insane.
- It's you who are...
May l?
The wind is coming up...
Can you feel it? The grass...
All the more so.
What do you mean?
Keep your hands off!
Professor be my witness,
I didn't sent you there.
You go of your own will.
Of my own will. What else?
Nothing. Go.
God help you to be lucky.
Should you notice something,
or just feel something,
go back at once, or...
Just don't throw iron poles at me.
Stop! Don't move!
- Why did you do it?
- Why did I do what?
- Why did you stop him?
- I thought it was you...
What's up?
Why did you stop me?
I didn't stop you.
Who did it then? You?
Who the hell knows...
You're smart, Mister Shakespeare.
To go straight ahead is scary,
to go back is embarrassing.
So you gave yourself a command.
Fear has made you come to your senses.
- What?
- Stop it.
- Why have you emptied the bottle?
- Stop it, I said!
The Zone is a very complicated system...
of traps,
and they're all deadly.
I don't know what's going on here
in the absence of people,
but the moment someone shows up,
everything comes into motion.
Old traps disappear
and new ones emerge.
Safe spots
become impassable.
Now your path is easy,
now it's hopelessly involved.
That's the Zone.
It may even seem capricious.
But it is what we've made it
with our condition.
It happened that people had
to stop halfway and go back.
Some of them even died
on the very threshold of the room.
But everything that's going on here
depends not on the Zone, but on us!
So it lets the good ones pass
and kills the bad ones?
I don't know.
I think
it lets those pass who...
have lost all hope.
Not good or bad,
but wretched people.
But even the most wretched will die
if they don't know how to behave.
You have been lucky,
it just warned you.
I guess I'll wait for you here
until you come back,
made happy.
It's impossible!
I've got sandwiches, a thermos...
You won't last even an hour here
without me.
Besides, one doesn't return here
the way one comes.
Anyway, I would prefer...
Then we're going back right away.
I'll return your money
minus a certain sum
for the trouble, so to speak...
Have you come to your senses,
All right. Go on, throw your nut.Part Two
Where are you?
Come here!
Are you tired?
Oh, God!
Judging by his tone, he's going to
start sermonizing again.
Let everything that's been planned
come true.
Let them believe.
And let them have a laugh
at their passions.
Because what they call passion
actually is not some emotional energy,
but just the friction between
their souls and the outside world.
And most important,
let them believe in themselves
Iet them be helpless like children,
because weakness is a great thing,
and strength is nothing.
When a man is just born,
he is weak and flexible,
when he dies,
he is hard and insensitive.
When a tree is growing,
it's tender and pliant,
but when it's dry and hard,
it dies.
Hardness and strength
are death's companions.
Pliancy and weakness are
expressions of the freshness of being.
Because what has hardened
will never win.
Come here!
We're progressing well.
Soon we'll come to a dry tunnel,
after that it will get easier.
Knock on wood.
- Are we on our way already?
- Of course. Why?
I thought you just wanted
to show us something.
- What about my knapsack?
- What about it?
I left it there.
I didn't know we were going.
- There's nothing we can do about it.
- No, we have to go back.
- It's impossible!
- I can't do without my knapsack!
Can't you understand that no one here
has ever come back the same way?
Forget about your knapsack.
What have you got there, diamonds?
The room will give you
anything you want.
Really. It
Сталкер Сталкер

Читайте также:
- текст Стальной рассвет на английском
- текст Женя, Женечка и "Катюша" на английском
- текст Деловые люди на английском
- текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском
- текст Агония на английском

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