probably a fine man. I almost didn't doubt it. I can imagine what torture it was for you being in there. This pipe is a horrible place! The most horrible in the Zone! It's called "the meat mincer", but it's much worse than any mincer. So many people perished there! Porcupine sent his brother to die there. The boy was so delicate, very talented. Here, listen to this. So summer is gone, Leaving no epitaph. It's still warm in the sun, Only that's not enough. All that true could have come, Like a five-fingered fluff, Folded into my palm, Only that's not enough. No evil was slighted In the good aftermath, World was festively lighted, Only that's not enough. Life forever was tucking, Caring, making me laugh. I was really lucky, Only that's not enough. No leaves ever seared, No limbs broken rough. Day, like glass, washed all clear, Only that's not enough. Good, aren't they? That's his verses. Why do you fidget? Fussing all the time? - I'm just... - I get sick just looking at you! I'm so happy! It's not often that everyone who goes makes it. You did everything right. You're good, kind, honest people. I'm proud that I was right about you. Look at him! He's happy that everything ended well! Fate! Zone! I'm a fine man, he says! You think I didn't see how you shoved the two long matches at me? - No, you don't understand... - Of course, how could I? I'm sorry, Professor, no offense meant, but this jerk has chosen you to be his favorite. Come on, it's unfair! And me, a second-rate creature, he shoves into that pipe! Meat mincer! To think of such a word! What right have you got to decide who is to live and who is to go into the meat mincer? You've chosen it yourself! What? One long match out of the two long ones? The matches are nothing. The Zone had let you through earlier, under the nut, so it became clear that only you could go through the meat mincer. And we just followed you. Well, it's too much... You can't even imagine how dangerous it is to make a mistake here. But someone had to be first! Yes? No, it's not a clinic! You see, someone has to go first! Don't touch it! Laboratory nine, please. Just a minute. - Hello? - I hope I'm not disturbing you. - What do you want? - Just a few words with you. You've hidden it. I've found it. The old building. Bunker four. Do you hear me? I'm alerting the security immediately. You may do it. You may inform on me, you may set my colleagues against me, but it's too late. I'm now at a stone's throw from that place. Do you realize that's the end of you as a scientist? Well, you may rejoice! Do you realize what will happen if you dare? Trying to scare me again? All my life I've been afraid of something. Even of you. But now I'm not afraid of anything, I assure you. Oh God, you are not even a Herostratos. It's just that you've always wanted to make my life unbearable because twenty years ago I slept with your wife. And now you're delighted that you've made even with me. Well, go and do your... vile thing. Don't you dare hang up on me! Prison is not the worst thing expecting you. The worst is that you'll never be able to forgive yourself for this. I already see you hanging from your suspenders in your prison cell. What are you up to, Professor? Do you realize what will happen when everybody believes in the room? And all come rushing here? It's only a question of time. If not today, then tomorrow! And not just tens of them, thousands! Unfulfilled emperors, great inquisitors, fuhrers, self-appointed benefactors of the human race! And they'll come not for money or inspiration, but to change the world! I never take here people like that. You think I don't understand it? What on earth can you understand? You're not the only stalker on Earth. No stalker can know what those you lead bring with them and what they take from here. And the number of unmotivated crimes is on the
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