impossible! I've got sandwiches, a thermos... You won't last even an hour here without me. Besides, one doesn't return here the way one comes. Anyway, I would prefer... Then we're going back right away. I'll return your money minus a certain sum for the trouble, so to speak... Have you come to your senses, Professor? All right. Go on, throw your nut. Part Two STALKER Where are you? Come here! Are you tired? Oh, God! Judging by his tone, he's going to start sermonizing again. Let everything that's been planned come true. Let them believe. And let them have a laugh at their passions. Because what they call passion actually is not some emotional energy, but just the friction between their souls and the outside world. And most important, let them believe in themselves let them be helpless like children, because weakness is a great thing, and strength is nothing. When a man is just born, he is weak and flexible, when he dies, he is hard and insensitive. When a tree is growing, it's tender and pliant, but when it's dry and hard, it dies. Hardness and strength are death's companions. Pliancy and weakness are expressions of the freshness of being. Because what has hardened will never win. Come here! We're progressing well. Soon we'll come to a dry tunnel, after that it will get easier. Knock on wood. - Are we on our way already? - Of course. Why? I thought you just wanted to show us something. - What about my knapsack? - What about it? I left it there. I didn't know we were going. - There's nothing we can do about it. - No, we have to go back. - It's impossible! - I can't do without my knapsack! Can't you understand that no one here has ever come back the same way? Forget about your knapsack. What have you got there, diamonds? The room will give you anything you want. Really. It will drown you in knapsacks. How far is it, this room? If you go straight, about 200 meters, but there's no going straight here. Let's go. Give up your empiricism, Professor. Miracles are outside empiricism. Remember how St. Peter was nearly drowned? Go, Writer. Go where? Up these stairs. Professor, where are you? Here is the dry tunnel! You call it dry? This is a local joke. Normally one has to swim here. Wait, where's Professor? - What? - Professor has disappeared! How could it happen? He was following you all the way. He probably lagged behind and lost his way. No, he didn't lose his way! He must've gone for the knapsack! He won't be able to make it now. Shall we wait for him? We can't. Things change here every minute. We'll have to go. Look! What is it? How could it be? - I already explained. - What did you explain? It's the Zone, don't you understand? Let's go, quick. It's... There he is! I'm certainly grateful to you that you... but... How did you get here? Mostly I had to crawl up here on my fours. Incredible. How did you manage to overtake us? What do you mean, "overtake"? I came back here for the knapsack. And how has our nut gotten here? Oh, my God, that's... the trap! Porcupine put this nut here on purpose. How could the Zone let us through? Oh God, I'm not going to take one more step until... I don't like it. That's it! We rest! But keep off this nut, just in case. Sorry, but I thought that Professor won't be able to make it. You see, I... I never know beforehand what kind of people I'm taking with me. Everything gets clear only here, when it's too late. What's important is that Professor's bag with his underwear is safe. Don't stick your nose in someone's underwear if you don't understand it. What is there to understand? Binomial theorem? Some psychological abysses! You have a bad reputation at your institute. They don't give you money for an expedition. So you decide to pack a knapsack full of manometers and other shit... penetrate the Zone illegally... and put all these miracles to an algebra test.
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