you look, Writer? - You didn't forget the jerry can? - No. It's full. Everything I told you before... is a lie. I don't give a damn about inspiration. How would I know the right word for what I want? How would I know that actually I don't want what I want? Or that I actually don't want what I don't want? They are elusive things: the moment we name them, their meaning disappears, melts, dissolves like a jellyfish in the sun. My conscience wants vegetarianism to win over the world. And my subconscious is yearning for a piece of juicy meat. But what do I want? World domination. Quiet! Why a diesel locomotive in the Zone? It services the outpost. It won't go any farther. They don't like going there. Take your places! Everybody here? The guards have arrived. Tell them to turn the TV off. Hurry! Go look if there's a trolley on the tracks. What trolley? Go back, I'll do it. The jerry can! Give it to me! Get rid of your knapsack, it's hampering you. You may travel light, if you wish, as if going for a stroll. If someone gets hit, don't shout or rush about. If they see you, they'll kill you. When everything settles down, crawl back to the outpost. They'll pick you up in the morning. Can they catch up with us? They fear it like the plague. Fear what? Here we are... home, at last. How quiet it is. This is the quietest place in the world. You'll see for yourselves. So beautiful here. Not a single soul here. What about us? Three men can't spoil the place in one day. Why? They can. It's strange that flowers don't smell. Or have I... Do you feel anything? I feel the stench of the bog. No, that's the river. There's a river here. There was a flower-bed nearby, but Porcupine had trampled it down. The smell lingered for many years though. Why did he do it? I don't know. I asked him why, too. And he said: "You'll understand later." I think he just came to hate the Zone. Porcupine, that's his name? A nickname, like yours. He had been taking people to the Zone for years, and no one could stop him. He was my teacher. He opened my eyes. He was called Teacher then, not Porcupine. Then something happened to him, something broke in him. Though I think he was punished. Will you help me? Tie those strips of bandage to the nuts. And I... will go for a walk. I need to do something... Don't go anywhere. Where's he going? He wants to be alone, I guess. Why? Even with the three of us together, I feel weird. A date with the Zone. He's a stalker. And what does that mean? You see, being a stalker is some sort of calling. - I thought he'd be different. - Like what? Well, you know, the Leather Stockings, Chingachgook sort of things... His background is even more frightful. Several times in prison, then he was harmed here. He has a mutant daughter, "a victim of the Zone" as they call it. They say she's got no legs. And what about this Porcupine? What does it mean, "was punished"? Or was it just a figure of speech? One day Porcupine returned from here and got rich overnight. Fabulously rich. You call it punishment? A week later he hanged himself. Why? Quiet! What was that? Presumably a meteorite fell down here about twenty years ago. It had burned down the settlement. They searched for this meteorite, but never found it, of course. Why "of course"? Then people began disappearing here. They came here and never returned. So it was concluded... that this meteorite was not really a meteorite. At first... they circled the place with barbed wire to scare off the inquisitive. All this gave rise to rumours that there's a place in the Zone... where wishes come true. Naturally, they began to guard the Zone like the apple of their eye. Who knows what kind of wish someone might cherish. What was it if not a meteorite? I told you, no one knows. And what do you think? Nothing. Or anything. A message to mankind, as one of my
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