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to be that miracle.
PILOT: Sounds good. We'll plan
our free-fall deployment to the water.
-Are you good with that, Jake?
-Yeah, copy that.
Okay, if we have to put you in,
we're gonna get you in upswell
and let the waves
take you down to the boat.
-Are you good with that?
We're only gonna have
about 20 minutes on-scene,
-so we gotta be quick.
-Copy that.
All right, I got the vessel in sight.
Two o'clock, about 50 meters.
REYES: Cabin door open and locked.
Pre-rescue checklist
for free-fall deployment.
REYES: Whoa, whoa!
Boat just took a wave, sir.
One appears to have gone
on the edge.
He's hanging from the cargo net.
We need to get our swimmer
down there.
PILOT: Computer's showing 60 knots...
Going off com.
Prepare for a free-fall deployment
of the rescue swimmer.
Rescue checklist, part two.
Swimmer's getting ready.
Rescue checklist complete.
Swimmer's coming out.
Roger that. Check swimmer.
Swimmer's at the door, sir.
Checking swimmer.
Swimmer ready?
God help you if you ain't, boy.
Swimmer's away.
Swimmer's okay.
He's heading towards the vessel.
All right, he's cutting
through those waves pretty good.
That's it. He's approaching the vessel.
He's at the boat, sir.
Man, are we glad to see you!
Kodiak Ops, rescue 6034.
Fischer's onboard,
but vessel is compromised.
Taking on lots of water.
May not hold much longer.
Stand by for further.
How many guys you got on here?
Is anybody injured?
I got four guys.
This guy's got a broken leg.
The skipper's down below.
He's trying to start the pumps.
-All right, he's gonna go up first.
-All right.
PILOT 2: Kodiak Ops, Kodiak Ops,
this is rescue 6034.
There's three onboard with injuries,
one more down below.
What do you want me to do?
You there,
help me get him around in here.
-Bring him on in.
-All right.
Basket is on its way up.
Strap in. Strap in!
The captain's down below,
and there's one other man on deck.
Help him out. Strap yourself in.
Get out of the way.
PILOT 1: I repeat, the boat's going
down fast. Eight minutes to bingo.
All right, come on, get in the basket.
REYES: I have
the ready-for-pickup signal.
Hold on.
PILOT 2: Swimmer One, Swimmer One,
come in.
Rescue swimmer, 6034.
Fischer. Come in, Fischer.
Swimmer One, Swimmer One,
come in.
-JAKE: This is Swimmer One.
-Roger that, Swimmer One. Go ahead.
JAKE: Swimmer One. I got one down
below. I'm gonna go down there.
Swimmer One, be advised
we've got seven minutes to bingo.
I'm going down.
Captain! I'm a rescue swimmer.
I'm here to help you out.
Your leg is jammed in here?
Or is it just closed...
It's the whole leg!
I tried to free the clutch and got stuck.
This is Swimmer One.
I got the captain down here
in the engine room. He's stuck.
We're gonna be a little bit.
Swimmer One, we're about out of time.
That boat's listing bad,
and we're two minutes to bingo.
I ain't leaving here without him.
Send somebody back for us,
'cause I'm staying down here with him.
Negative, Swimmer One.
We need you topside ASAP.
Swimmer One, 6034.
Swimmer One, 6034.
PILOT 2: Kodiak Ops, Kodiak Ops,
this is 6034.
Be advised we are RTB at this time.
Спасатель Спасатель

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