make a sharp couple. You wouldn’t believe it. It happened at the same time. Vic stared at me. I stared at him. We both knew it was wrong. It's just not gonna be any fun without you. Honest? Does that mean you’ll stay? - We've got plenty of room. - No, no. We're past that. - You're coming with us. - Really? Me come with you? No, you don't mean it. Sure we mean it. It'll be a blast. Come on, Let’s go. We're getting old. - The dishwasher's on. - It'll stay on. All right, damn it. You're on. Let's do it. This is crazy, but there's something so right about it. Let's go. - Hold it. Not so fast, pal. - What? Don't you think you should Leave a note for Enid? You're right. In fact, I'll Leave a Little more than just a note. No, no, no. Up front, right next to Captain Vic. - Where are we going? - How should I know? You tell me. I'm just driving. - Off into the land of the great unknown. - Look. You weren't kidding. You really are Leaving a Little more than a note. Well, Enid never did Like to come home to a dark house. Subtitles by SDI Media Group ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кубик-Рубик на английском - текст ...инг на английском - текст Ловец снов на английском - текст Дядя Ваня на английском - текст Родители на английском |