shall kill him. - Help! - What is it? - Mommy! Help! - What are you doing, bastard? - Darya, let go. Just look at our precious visitor Telegraph Telegraphovich, Professor! I've been married, I don't care. But Zina's an innocent girl... It was a good thing I woke up! Darya Petrovna, please forgive us. Darya, we are young. Doctor! I forbid you! - Doctor! - You haven't any right to fight. Ok. OK. Just wait till morning. Bormenthal, let go! Where are you taking me? I can walk myself. - I'll fix a little show for him when he sobers up. - Philipovich, you tell him. I warn you Egorovna, if you go on burning parquet in the stove I'll move you all out. That's it. Yes? Excuse me, do you happen to know where monsieur Sharikov is at the moment? Is he not at home? He's gone. What a fool I am not to have locked the door! Look for him yourself. I'm not his guardian, am I? All the more so because your Sharikov is a scoundrel. Yesterday in the office of the house committee he took 7 roubles to buy textbooks. The dog! I can well imagine what is going on out there. I can imagine. He stole three bottles of ash berry vodka and borrowed three and a half roubles from me. You deserved it. You well knew what sort of a guy he was. Sure I did. No need to bring stray dogs into the flat. We must inform the militia at once. - I, Philip Philipovich, have taken up an official post. - Give me the paper. The presenter of this Polygraph Plygraphovich Sharikov... truly employed as head of the sub-department for the control of stray animals... ...(cats etc.) in Moscow. So, who got you the job? But I suppose I can guess. Yes of course, Shvonder. Forgive my asking, but why are you giving off such a revolting smell? Well, it does smell - that's because of my job. I spent all yesterday strangling cats, cats, cats. Strangling, strangling, strangling. - Help! - Ivan Arnoldovich. Don't worry, Philip Philipovich, I shan't do anything violent. Zina and Darya Petrovna! Repeat after me: Forgive me Darya Petrovna and Zinaida... - Zinaida..? - Prokofievna. ...Prokofievna, for my disgusting prank the other night in a state of intoxication. - This will never happen again! - Never. - Let him go, you'll strangle him. - Let him go, Ivan Arnoldovich. Now mind the following. You've come back to Philip Philipovich's flat. - Have you? - Where else can I go? Very well. You will be as good as gold and as quiet as a mouse. Otherwise, you will have to reckon with me each time you misbehave. Got it? Yes. What do you do with them... the dead cats? They'll make overcoats of them. They'll make squirrels out of them and sell them to workers on credit. Come in. Don't be shy. What are you waiting for, come in. Take off your coat. - Who is this? - Me and her's getting married. She's our typist. She's coming to live with me. Bormenthal will have to be moved out of the reception room. He's got a flat of his own. May I ask you to step into my study for a moment? - I'm coming with her. - I beg your pardon. The Professor wants to talk to the lady, and you and I are going to stay here. - I won't! - No, I'm sorry. He told me he'd been wounded in battle. He's lying. I'm genuinely sorry for you, but you know you should not... ...go off with the first man you meet just because he has a steady job. Baby, it's scandalous. Nothing but salt beef every day in the canteen. He threatened me, he said he was a Red Army officer. He promised to take me to live in a luxurious flat. Pineapples every day. Says he's kind-hearted, really... ...he only hates cats. He took my ring as a keepsake. I'll poison myself! Well, well, well. You just have to bear the pain a little while. You're still so young. Sharikov! Kindly take the trouble to explain to this lady where you got that scar on your forehead. - I was wounded at the front fighting against Kolchak. - Stop it! Just a minute - ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Упущенная галактика на английском - текст Иван-Дурак на английском - текст День полнолуния на английском - текст Про уродов и людей на английском - текст Горячий снег на английском |