State Clothing Stores... Yes, yes, Doctor, dear, Moscow State Clothing Stores. Kerosene stove. Ivan Arnoldovich, please do go and buy him a jacket and pants. An amazing phenomenon. "Recently a baby was born in Obukhov Alley who plays the violin" "It was only thanks to the achievements of contemporary medicine that it could be born." "The photo shows Prof. P.P. Preobrazhensky, who performed the Kaesarian section on the mother." - Caesarean. - Let it be Caesarean. - But it's doctor Bormenthal. - Let me see. Take my word for it, on May the 4th 1925 the world will crash into a heavenly axis. - That's true, I tell you. That's true. - My Goodness. Catch him. Damn you. - Put on the pants. - Just a minute. Queue up, bastards, queue up! - Give him some herring. - Queue up! Give a cigarette, you have got striped pants. Don't spit on the floor. Get lost, louse. If ever again you let yourself insult me or the Doctor...'ll be punished. He understands, Philip Philipovich, he understands. Every day his brain becomes more and more awake. Professor, Sharik will develop into a very intellectually advanced personality. You think so? Are you OK, Philip Philipovich? We have created such mess with this pituitary... ...that the flat has become uninhabitable. Ivan Arnoldovich, dear... ...please move in with me for the time being, otherwise I can't handle him. Come on, comrades. Professor Preobrazhensky's marvellous experiment... ...has unveiled one of the mysteries of the human brain. The mysterious function of the pituitary has now been clarified! It determines human appearance. A new field has been opened up to science, without the aid of any Faustian retorts a homunculus has been created. The surgeon's scalpel has brought to life a new human being. Prof. Preobrazhensky - you are a creator! Physically, he is a complete human being, weight about 108 lbs. Below medium height. Eats human food, has started smoking. Plays musical instruments. Here you are. Philip Philipovich, that's enough, isn't it. Eh, talk Moscow, speak Russia Oh, my tasty apple Here comes a girl with the white skin. With the white skin in a precious fur-coat Give us something and you'll remain intact. Oh my tasty apple Come here, bourgeois, I'll pluck your eye out. I'll pluck one eye out but the other will remain For you, bastard, to see, before whom to bow. - Philip Philipovich, are you OK? - Philip Philipovich! Professor! What a misfortune. Pulse. Pulse, check the pulse. Ammonium chloride. Open the windows, open the windows! Is he still dancing? He is. "There's no doubt that it is his illegitimate... ...(as they used to say in rotten bourgeois society) son. That's how the pseudo-learned members of our bourgeoisie prefer to have fun. Everyone can well occupy seven rooms until the glittering sword of justice... ...flashes over him like a red ray. Shvonder. Damn it all. The moo-oon is shining... shining bright... The moon is shining... I can't get rid of the damned tune! Zina, tell him it's five o'clock. Tell him to shut up. Yes. And ask him to come here, please. I believe I have already requested you twice not to sleep on the high bunk in the kitchen - particularly in the daytime. The air is more agreeable in the kitchen. What on earth is that repulsive object? I mean your tie. What's repulsive about it? It's a smart tie. Darya Petrovna gave it to me. In that case, Darya Petrovna has given you an abomination, like those shoes of yours. What sort of glittering trash are they? Am I worse than other people? Just take a walk down the Kuznetzky Most and you'll see everybody wearing patent-leather shoes. Sleeping in the kitchen must stop. Understand? There are women there. Huh - women. Fine ladies. They're ordinary servants, but you'd think they were... commissars. It's all that slut Zina - she's always griping about me. Don't you dare to call Zina
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