had retarded knee reflexes, lost appetite... ...and exhibited symptoms of general depression. Yes. The difficult years of fighting for the liberty of this country are gone. The ones that follow them are also difficult. Zina, my dear, what's that noise? - They're having another general meeting. - What, again? Oh well, so it's started. This is the end of this house. Mow they'll get things rolling. First of all, there'll be community singing every evening, then the pipes will freeze in the lavatories... ...then the steam-heating pipes will blow up, and so on. You paint too grim a picture, Philip Philipovich. They're very different now. And I won't mention the boiler, my dear... Let them! When there's a social revolution going on, one does without central heating. But I ask you, why all this, when did it all start... ...Why is everybody marching up and down the marble staircase in dirty galoshes and felt boots? Just listen to that! Why must we still keep galoshes under lock and key... ...and put a soldier on guard over them to prevent them from being stolen? He could well be making money speaking at meetings. A First rate speaker. Why was the carpet removed from the main staircase? Is it that Karl Marx forbids people to cover staircases with carpets? Did Karl Marx write somewhere, that the front door Number Two of the house on Prechistenka Street... ...should be boarded up, so that people have to go around and come in by the back door? What good does it do to anybody? Why can't the proletariat leave... ...his dirty galoshes downstairs instead of dirtying the marble? - But the proletarians don't have any galoshes at all, Philip Philipovich. - Nothing of the sort. They do have galoshes now and those galoshes are mine! The very same galoshes that disappeared in 1918. O the question is who pinched them? Me? Impossible. Sablin the bourgeois? Polozov, the sugar manufacturer? On no account. It was done by those songbirds up there. Bu if only they would take them off when they go upstairs. Why on earth did they have to remove flowers from the landings? Why does the electricity, which if I remember right only failed twice in the past twenty years... ...now go out regularly twice a day? - It's Disruption, Philip Philipovich. - And what does this "disruption" of yours mean? An old woman with a broomstick? A witch who smashed all the windows and put out all the lights? No such thing. What do you mean by that word? I'll tell you what it is: If instead of operating every evening I were to start singing in chorus... ...in my apartment, I would get Disruption. If when I go to the lavatory I don't pee, if you'll excuse the expression, into the bowl but on the floor instead... ...and if Zina and Darya Petrovna do the same, there would be Disruption in he lavatory. Disruption, therefore, does not happen in lavatories, but in people's heads. O when those baritones start howling "Away with Disruption". Really, I laugh. It means that every one of them should hit himself on the back of the head! And then when he has knocked all the hallucinations out... ...and gets down to cleaning out the barns - which is his job in the first place... ...all this Disruption will disappear of its own accord. You can't serve two gods, dear doctor. You can't sweep the dirt out of the streetcar tracks and settle the fate... ...of some foreign beggars at the same time. You sound like a counterrevolutionary, Philip Philipovich. Nothing dangerous. Nothing counterrevolutionary. Incidentally, that's another word I simply can't stand. What the devil is it supposed to mean, anyway? Nobody knows. O, there's nothing counterrevolutionary in what I am saying. It's full of sound sense and a lifetime of experience. Merci. Do you need me this evening, Philip Philipovich? No, thank you. We won't do anything today. For one thing, the rabbit is dead, and for another ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Хорнблауэр: Возмездие на английском - текст Беги без оглядки на английском - текст Человек из ресторана на английском - текст Клятва на английском - текст Лень на английском |