understand a little bit about the anatomy and physiology? Philip Philipovich - what a question! Now listen to me, Professor-to-be Bormenthal... ...No one will ever manage to turn him into a human being. And don't ask me. l spent five years doing nothing but extracting cerebral appendages. You know bow much work l did on the subject - an unbelievable amount! And now comes the crucial question - what for? o that one fine day a charming dog... ...should be transformed into a specimen so revolting that he makes one's hair stand on end? - omething extraordinary. - l quite agree with you... This, Doctor, is what happens when a researcher, instead of keeping in step with nature, ...tries to force the pace and lift the veil. The result is a harikov. We have made our bed and now we must lie in it! upposing the brain had been pinoza's, Philip Philipovich? But what in heaven's name for? Will you kindly explain that to me? Will you kindly tell me why one has to manufacture an artificial human being, when any woman can... ...give birth to a real one any day of the week. - Philip Philipovich... No, don't argue, lvan Arnoldovich, please. Theoretically, the experiment was interesting. The physiologists will be delighted. Moscow has gone mad. But what have we got in practice? Who is this creature? Who? - An unmitigated scoundrel. - Yes, but who is he? Klim. Klim Chugunkin. Twice sentenced, an alcoholic, "take and divide everything up", ...hoodlum and swine. Yes. l was concerned with something quite different. With eugenics, with the improvement of the human nature. And what have l got? You don't think l do these rejuvenation operations because of the money, do you? - l am still a scientist. - And a great one, that's what l tell you. Yes, Doctor, this case is absolutely hopeless. Okay, then, Professor. lf you don't want to do it yourself, l will take the risk of feeding him a dose of arsenic. l don't care if my father was a court investigator. No, absolutely not. l won't let you do it. l'm sixty - and have the right to give you advice. Never commit a crime no matter against whom. Keep your hands clean until old age. For God's sake, Philip Philipovich... ...if that damned hvonder sets to work at him, what is going to become of him? l'm only just beginning to realize what may become of our harikov, by God. Aha, so you realize now, do you? Well, l realized it ten days after the operation. Now then, that hvonder is the greatest fool! Right now he's doing all he can to turn harikov against me... ...not realizing that if someone were in his turn to set harikov against hvonder himself... ...there'll soon be nothing left of hvonder but the bones and the beak. Just think of the way he goes about cats. A man with the heart of a dog. Oh, no, don't insult the dog... l assure you that his reaction to cats is purely temporary. The whole horror is that he now has a human heart, not a dog's heart. And about the rottenest heart in all creation! - l shall kill him. - Help! - What is it? - Mommy! Help! - What are you doing, bastard? - Darya, let go. Just look at our precious visitor Telegraph Telegraphovich, Professor! l've been married, l don't care. But Zina's an innocent girl... lt was a good thing l woke up! Darya Petrovna, please forgive us. Darya, we are young. Doctor! l forbid you! - Doctor! - You haven't any right to fight. Ok. OK. Just wait till morning. Bormenthal, let go! Where are you taking me? l can walk myself. - l'll fix a little show for him when he sobers up. - Philipovich, you tell him. l warn you Egorovna, if you go on burning parquet in the stove l'll move you all out. That's it. Yes? Excuse me, do you happen to know where monsieur harikov is at the moment? ls he not at home? He's gone. What a fool l am not to have locked the door! Look for him yourself. l'm not his guardian, am l? All the more so because your harikov is a ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Патруль времени 2: Берлинское решение на английском - текст Мольба на английском - текст Кино Лиззи МакГайр на английском - текст Доказательство смерти на английском - текст Золушка на английском |