British colonialism. l welcome you questions, comrades. What is the main event of my life? Ahead. The main event in your life is still ahead of you. By God l'll do it. Damn. The difficult years of fighting for the liberty of this country are gone. The ones that follow them are also difficult. Bastard. Bormenthal! Bormenthal! Kindly address me by my name and patronymic. Then call me by my name and patronymic, too. No, l won't have you addressed by such a name in my flat. lf you like, Doctor Bormenthal and l will call you Monsieur harikov. l'm not a 'monsieur'- all the 'monsieurs' are in Paris. l see hvonder's been at work on you. All right, l'll place an advertisement in the papers today... ...and, believe me, l'll find you a room. l am no fool to move away from here. - What?! - Don't be so impertinent, Monsieur harikov! There. l'm now a member of this residential associate don and the tenant in charge of flat... ...Number Two, Preobrazhensky, has got to give me thirty-seven square feet of space. Be so kind. l'll shoot that hvonder one of these days. - Philip Philipovich... - To hell with caution. Mind you, lf you commit one more piece of impudence... ...l shall deprive you of your dinner - in fact, of all food in this house. Thirty-seven square feet may be all very well, but there's nothing on that stinking little bit of paper... ...which says that l have to feed you! l can't do without food. Where would l eat? Then behave yourself! Eh, talk Moscow, speak Russia! Come on, boys, come on! What's wrong? Ah, fuck you, Professor! Come on, have a drink with us. Who are they? They? They are good guys. They'll stay for the night with me. lvan Arnoldovich, call the 45th police department. Be so kind. Get out. Bormenthal himself should be turned in to the 45th department. He lives here without registration. Who stole 20 roubles? l didn't take them. Who then? Who else, if not you? l'm not alone in the apartment. Maybe Zina took it? Me?! Calm down, Zina. Take him to the bathroom. Philip Philipovich, l shall never forget how... a half-starved student came to you and you how you gave me a place at the faculty. Believe me, Philip Philipovich, you are much more to me than a professor, a teacher. Thank you. l'm afraid l sometimes bawl at you during operations... You must forgive an old man 's testiness. The fact is, l'm really so lonely. From eville to Granada... Philip Philipovich, naturally, it's not for me to offer you advice... But look at yourself, you're completely worn out, you can't go on working like that. - Absolutely impossible. - o. But l am deeply convinced that there is no other solution than to put an end to him. No, no, no, don't tempt me, don't even mention it, l won't hear of it! Don't you realize what would happen if they found us out? Because of our 'social origins' you and l won't have any chance of... ...going to Paris, despite the fact that we should be first offenders. l don't suppose you have suitable 'origins', do you? What the hell! My father was a court investigator in Vilno. There you are. There's your bad blood. You couldn't have come from a more unsuitable background. till, mine is even worse. My father was dean of a cathedral. My mother... From eville to Granada... in the still of the night... Damn it all. Philip Philipovich, you are a world-famous scientist. And just because of some - forgive the expression - son of a bitch... ...urely they can't touch you, believe me! - All the more so, l refuse to do it. - But why not? - Because you are not world-famous. - Far from it. o. l will never let a colleague down in a calamity... ...and myself shelter behind my world-wide reputation. That's something l won't do. l'm a Moscow University alumnus, not a harikov. Are you just going to wait... ...until that hoodlum turns into a human being? lvan Arnoldovich, do you think l
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