over to Myur's and buy a good collar. What harm did professor Mechnikov do to you? Little hoodlum. Good boy. There's a good dog. Where are you going? Come to me. Where are you going? Come to me. Come, come. A collar's just like a briefcase. l have won the main dog's prize. A knife wound in the heart? Excellent. Bring it round at once, at once. Zina! Tell Darya Petrovna to answer telephone calls and take notes. No visitors. Get dressed, l need you here. The dead man - Klim Grigorievich CHUGUNKlN, 25 years old, single, not a party member, sympathiser. Brought before court three times and found not guilty the first time for lack of evidence... ...the second time he was saved by his social origins, the third time given a suspended sentence of 15 years hard labour. Thefts. Profession: Plays the balalaika in pubs. Enlarged liver (alcohol). Cause of death: struck in the heart with a knife in a pub. Quiet, come, come with me. Come on, harik? harik. Come here, don't be afraid. Zina, take off the collar, only don't excite him. Doctor, the ether, quick. May l leave now, Philip Philipovich? You may. Well, doctor. All in all we have nine and a half minutes. God help us. The knife. cissors. Give me the glands. Put in the stitches, doctor, sew the skin this instant. No one in Europe could equal you, by God, Professor. Cut it out. Turn him over. Quicker. Trepan. - The pulse is dropping. - lnjection. - lnto the heart? - Why ask? He would have been dead five times on your hands. Make the injection. - He is alive, but only just. - top musing: alive, not alive. Give me the pituitary. 10 minutes. He is dead of course? - A thread of a pulse. - titch him up. Zina, l want clean clothes and a bath. l'll be damned! Just look at him, he is not dead yet. All the same he'll die. l feel sorry for the dog, he was good and affectionate although he had his little ways. And so, Timofeeva, you want to christen your twins? l want to name them. That's right, l propose the following names: Barricade, Bebelina, Festelina... No, no, no. No. Let's give them simple names: Clara and Rose. ln honour of Clara Zetkin and Rose Luxembourg, comrades. The red thunderstorms are past We have won a victory. Mop up the tears shed in battle With your sleeve. Meet my colleagues. Vasily Vasilievitch Bundarev, Professor specializing in skin diseases. Nikolai Nikolaevitch Persikov, ...director of the Moscow Exemplary Veterinarian lnstitute... - How do you do. This way, please. You may begin, Doctor. l am at a loss. By God, it's unbelievable. tart reading. On December the 23rd Prof. Preobrazhensky commenced the first operation of its kind... ...to be performed in Europe. Under chloroformic anaesthesia the dog's testicles and pituitary gland were removed... ..and replaced by implanted human testes and pituitary taken from a dead male. Purpose of the operation: conduct an experiment to find out... ...about the functional viability of the pituitary in a host organism and its role in rejuvenation. Operation performed by: Prof. P.P. Preobrazhensky, Assisted by: Dr. l.A. Bormenthal. - Very interesting. And the outcome? - Yes, what are the results? The results are amazing. There has been malting of hair on the forehead and along the sides of the torso. The bark instead of 'aow-aow' now sounds more like a grown reminiscent of the sounds "ah" and "uh". But the most important point is the lengthening of the extremities and the replacement of claws with nails. This way. Doctor. Gentlemen. Very strange. These symptoms appeared on the fourth day following the operation. - The nails grow at an incredible pace. - l've been watching it for two days now. Congratulations, colleague. Wells' characters are nothing compared to you. - Well, l thought it was all rubbish. - What use talking about Wells and minor matters. Colleague, what you did was unheard of. lt's a ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Письма с Иводзимы на английском - текст Олигарх на английском - текст Как львёнок и черепаха пели песню на английском - текст Отель "У погибшего альпиниста" на английском - текст Золотой телёнок на английском |