you should not... ...go off with the first man you meet just because he has a steady job. Baby, it's scandalous. Nothing but salt beef every day in the canteen. He threatened me, he said he was a Red Army officer. He promised to take me to live in a luxurious flat. Pineapples every day. Says he's kind-hearted, really... ...he only hates cats. He took my ring as a keepsake. I'll poison myself! Well, well, well. You just have to bear the pain a little while. You're still so young. Sharikov! Kindly take the trouble to explain to this lady where you got that scar on your forehead. - I was wounded at the front fighting against Kolchak. - Stop it! Just a minute - the ring, please. I'll get you. You'll remember me. Tomorrow I'll arrange for some reductions of the office staff! Don't be afraid of him! I won't let him do you any harm! - What's her surname? Surname? - Vasnetsova. Every day I shall personally make inquiries at the City Sanitation Department, if citizen Vasnetsova has been sacked! And if I find out that she has, I will shoot you down with my own hands! I know where to lay hands on revolvers myself. Beware! Don't stop the engine. You look right, you look left. Let's go. You stay here, you - here. Watch carefully. Catch him! Catch him, catch! - Well, Polygraph, you seem to know where they are hiding. - I can feel them with my heart. Get in. Let's go quick. Be careful not to let it slip by. Have your pains come back? No, Professor, I'm very grateful to you. I've come, hm, about another matter, Philip Philipovich. "also threatening to kill of the House Committee chairman, Comrade Shvonder" "which makes it clear that he keeps firearms... ...and makes counterrevolutionary speeches... ...has even ordered his domestic worker, Zinaida Prokofievna Bunina... burn Engels... Engels... in the stove... a true Menshevik together with his assistant Ivan Arnoldovich Bormenthal... ...who is living secretly in his flat without being registered. The signature of the head of the City Sanitation Department Sharikov is valid. ...House Committee chairman Shvonder. Secretary: Pestrukhin. It's lucky that they reported directly to me. May I keep this? Or perhaps you need it so that legal proceedings can be started? Forgive me, Professor, but you seem to regard us with too much contempt. - I... - Please forgive me, my dear fellow. I really didn't mean to offend you. Please don't take offence. He tired me out. You must be here tomorrow morning. Good evening, Polygraph Polygraphovich. Serve dinner in the dining room. Sharikov, come into the study. What do you want? Go and collect your things at once - pants, coat, everything you need - then get out of this flat! - What is this!? - Get out of this flat - today. What is this after all! You think I can't find a way to deal with you? I've a right to thirty-seven square feet and I'm staying right here! - Get out of this flat. - Like hell I will! Keep away, Bormenthal. Doctor Bormenthal! Doctor Bormenthal! Doctor, what are you doing?.. Doctor Bormenthal! Doctor Bormenthal! Give me the key to the front door. The Professor says you mustn't leave the apartment. It's not because we don't trust you, but should anybody come... might not be able to keep them out, and we mustn't be disturbed. We're busy. It's not because they don't trust us. They mustn't be disturbed. They are busy. Where's the chief of the pest control department? - And who the hell are you? - I am chairman of the house management committee Shvonder. God knows where you chief of the pest control is. It's now the third day that we are waiting for him. Well then. Who are you? Criminal Police and investigator. Open up, please. Where is the Professor's room? What is it that you desire gentlemen? We have a warrant to search your flat and arrest you, depending on the results of the search. What, may I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Каникулы в Простоквашино на английском - текст Клятва на английском - текст Критическая ситуация на английском - текст Чебурашка на английском - текст Беги без оглядки на английском |