"tom-ay-to", I say "tom-ah-to". Hold it. Eskimo. Look at that. That's one word. I love it! I usually go for the whole sentence myself but this is perfecto. Eskimo, you know, it's so, uh, mysterious. Eskimo. Come on. JD, you are not listening to me. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag. Nag! Th-th-that knife is filthy. Do you think I'm going to take out her tonsils with it? Excuse me, I think I know Heather a little better than you do. If she was going to slit her wrists, the knife would be spotless. How's this? Can you see your fucking reflection in the thing? Tomorrow someone else will move into her place. That person could be me. Ha! There's only one of us knows Heather's handwriting. If you think I'll write another suicide note, you're wrong. You don't get it! Society nods its head at any horror the American teenager can think to bring upon itself. Nobody's going to care about exact handwriting. Help me. Quick. Life sucks. It's perfecto. Jesus, I've got a meaningfully marked-up Moby Dick. What else does a suicide need, huh? Now, if you'll excuse me. No! Open the door! Eskimo. Heather Duke underlined a lot of things in this copy of Moby Dick but I believe the word Eskimo, underlined all by itself, is the key to understanding Heather's pain. On the surface, Heather Duke was the vivacious young lady we all knew her to be... but her soul was in Antarctica, freezing with the knowledge of the way fellow teenagers can be cruel... the way that parents can be unresponsive... and as she writes so eloquently in her suicide note, the way that life can suck. We'll all miss Sherwood's little Eskimo. Let's just hope she's rubbing noses with Jesus. Is this turnout weak or what? I had at least 70 more people at my funeral. Heather? Oh, God, Veronica, my afterlife is so boring. If I have to sing Kumbaya one more time... What are you doing here? I made your favourite - spaghetti. Lots of oregano. Dinner! Veronica! Dinner! 'Dear diary, last entry. 'No one can stop JD - 'not the FBI, the CIA or the PTA. 'He once told me that the extreme always makes an impression. 'Well, now it's my turn. 'Let's see how the son of a bitch reacts to a suicide he didn't perform himself.' I can't believe you did it. I was teasing. I loved you. Sure, I was coming up here to kill you. First I was going to try and get you back with my amazing petition. It's a shame you can't see what our fellow students really signed. All right, listen. "We students of Westerburg High will die. Today. "Our burning bodies will be the ultimate protest "to a society that degrades us. "Fuck you all." It's not very subtle, but, uh, neither's blowing up a whole school, now, is it? Talk about your suicide pacts, huh? When our school blows up tomorrow, it's going to be the kind of thing to infect a generation! I mean, it's going to be a Woodstock for the '80s. Damn it, Veronica. We could have toasted some marshmallows together. What does she want? A written invitation? Veronica! Dinner! Sheesh. Veronica, I... Oh, I... I... I should have let you take that job at the mall. It was just that I was afraid of you coming home late at night and I... Hey, Mom, why so tense? Hey, Prob, I need some help with my homework. Uh, not right now, tiger. I'm a little busy. Veronica, JD told me you committed suicide last night. - Where is he? Where's JD? - We have to talk. Whether to kill yourself or not is the most important decision a teenager can make. Get a job. Rodney, where's everybody going? - It's Friday. - Shit, another damn pep assembly. Yeah. You know, these things, they get pretty artificial but you know, at least you get out of class. Rodney, what's underneath the gym? The boiler room. May I see your hall pass? I knew that loose was too noose. I mean, uh, noose too loose. Goddamn you, woman. Like father, like son. A serious-as-fuck bomb in the boiler room to set off a pack of
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