done this before? Any other principal would take the same position - keep things business as usual. Heather Chandler's not your everyday suicide. - She was very popular. - If I let these kids out before lunch, the switchboard would light up like a Christmas tree. I was impressed that she made proper use of the word myriad in her suicide note. I find it profoundly disturbing that we're told of the tragic destruction of youth and all we can think to talk about is adequate mourning times and misused vocabulary words. Oh, Christ! We must revel in this revealing moment. Look, I suggest that we get everybody together, both students and teachers, in the cafeteria and just talk and feel... together. Thank you, Ms Fleming. You call me when the shuttle lands. Now, is this Heather the cheerleader? (Man) That would be Heather McNamara. Damn. I'd be willing to go half a day for a cheerleader. God, it's unfair. It's just so unfair. We should get off a whole week, not just an hour. Write the school board. Watch it, you might be digesting food. - Yeah, where is your urge to purge? - Fuck it. Look... Heather left behind one of her Swatches. She'd want you to have it, Veronica. She always said you couldn't accessorise for shit. Sorry to hear about your friend. I thought she was your usual airhead bitch. Guess I was wrong. We all were. (Heather) What a waste. Oh, the humanity. Veronica? Veronica, what are you doing? I'm just so thrilled... to finally have an example of the profound sensitivity of which a human animal is capable. That example is Heather Chandler. I have her note. (AIl) Whoo! I'm gonna pass this note around the class so you can all feel its pathetic beauty for yourself. And while we do this, I think it's a good opportunity to share... the feelings that this suicide has spurred in all of us. Now, who would like to begin? I heard it was really gnarly. She sucked down a bowl of multi-purpose deodorising disinfectant and then smash! Tracy, let's not rehash the coroner's report, let's talk emotions. Um, Heather and I used to go out but she said I was boring. But now I realise I really wasn't boring... it's just that she was dissatisfied with her life. That's... very good, Peter. (Laughing) (Pretends to sob) Are we going to be tested on this? 'We were the same size 'so we could borrow each other's clothes, mix it up. It was fun.' "I remember I won her a rhino at the 4-H Club... ' You're an asshole. Mute him. - 'We liked the same clothes... ' - How many networks did you run to? 'It won't be the same without her.' What are you talking about? You hated her. She hated you. 'Every English class I looked forward to seeing her... ' Heather Chandler is more popular than ever now. - Scary stuff. - Yeah. Hey, son, I didn't hear you come in. Hey, Dad, how was work today? It was miserable. Some damn tribe of withered old bitches doesn't want us to terminate that fleabag hotel. All because Glen Miller and his band once took a shit there. Just like Kansas. You remember fucking Kansas? That was the one with the wheat, right? Yeah. Save the Memorial Oak Tree Society. (Chuckles) Showed those fucks. 30 of those 4th of July fireworks attached to the trunk. Arraigned but acquitted. Gosh, Pop, I almost forgot to introduce my girlfriend. Oh. Veronica, this is my dad. Dad, Veronica. Hi. Son, why don't you ask your little friend to stay for dinner? I can't. My mom's making my favourite meal tonight - spaghetti, lots of oregano. How nice. The last time I saw my mom she was waving from a library window in Texas. Right, Dad? Right... son. Right. Take a break, Veronica. Sit down. So what was the first day after Heather's suicide like? Well, it was OK, I guess. (Mom) Terrible thing. So, will we get to meet this dark horse prom contender? Maybe. God, will somebody tell me why I smoke these things? Because you're an idiot. Oh,
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