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Смертельная охота

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Get him! Kill him! Get him!
Come on!
Get him!
Come on! Get him!
It's about time you learned
respect for a real fightin' dog, Hazel!
Get up, you no good
piece of dung!
Get up!
Get up! Get up, dog!
Goddamnit! I'll kill you myself!
You damage my fightin' dog, you're
gonna be nothin' but a sack of guts.
I'll kill you myself,
you son of a bitch!
The dog's half dead.
I'm buying him.
I ain't sellin'.
Not for no hundred.
That dog's worth two hundred.
Two hundred's what I paid.
That dog's worth a fortune.
A thousand!
He's gonna wish he'd
never seen that dog.
We'll cross again.
Nobody steals from me.
- Morning, Sam.
- Howdy.
Them trapper's comin' back in.
Come on! Move!
Damn son of a bitch!
Trap ain't gonna get away with this.
At least he paid you $200 for that dog.
Shut up about that, Deak.
Well, well. Looky here.
Excuse me.
Good Morning.
Yes it is.
Nothin' good about it so far, General.
Can either of you men direct me
to Sergeant Edgar Millen?
Yeah, sure.
You come with us.
We'll take you to Sergeant Millen.
Hello, Hazel.
Who's your friend?
Who goes there?
Edgar, some damn squirrely
trapper stole my best huntin' dog!
Somebody stole my dog!
Go away, Hazel.
That's Sergeant Millen.
What are you staring at?
Are you Sergeant Edgar Millen?
That look on your face could
turn good whiskey into sour piss.
You gotta to do something
about this, Edgar.
Sound off, kid.
Constable Alvin Adams
reporting for duty, Sergeant!
Well, well, well.
Now, look what they sent.
Hell, Edgar, that was
my strongest dog.
You were fighting that dog, Hazel.
And from what I hear,
your strongest dog was
a hair's breadth away from being bait.
That's a damned lie. I got witnesses!
What have you got there?
It's a 2 way radio, sir.
The newest thing.
Kids always got something
new that don't work.
This one works. I was
trained in communications.
This mountie here says that man
should be brought up for trial.
Now, what are you
going to do, Edgar?
I'm going to close my eyes
and pray you disappear.
Never had much luck prayin'.
Hey, welcome, stranger.
Come on in and warm yourself up.
My name's W.W. I ain't seen
you in these parts before.
Where you comin' from?
- Oh, nowhere.
- Everybody has to be from somewhere.
I can tell you ain't one of them fools
that come up here from the south
to get out of them breadlines.
Half of them starve to death
and the other half freeze.
More dead bodies up here in the last
few years than I've seen in a lifetime
and believe me, I've
been here a while.
This store can't hold all the
ammo you got on this here list.
But I'll get you what I got.
Huntin' grizzlies, I expect, ain't you?
If you're heading up to old Curley's,
I can save you the journey.
Skeeters got him last spring.
Ate through his eyelids and
pumped him full of poison.
Curley finally got a gun
and blew his brains out.
That's one way to stop the buzzin'.
Recon so. Think you'll be
needing anything else?
That'll be one hundred and...
let's see... a hundred even.
Rough travelin' at night.
You're welcome to stay.
We could talk some more.
Outpost to base, over.
Your two. And two back.
I'm out.
I'll see you.
Read 'em and weep.
Two pair of kings up.
Hold it.
Three eights.
You black bastard.
Jesus, kid - do we have to
hear that now?
I'll have it set up real soon.
...so then we can hear them
pen pushing heroes in Edmonton
giving us orders, eh?
I was thinking maybe we should have
arrested those men for dog fighting,
and that trapper, too.
Dealer stands pat.
Technically, under the
Commonwealth statuates,
if the man Hazel didn't
want to sell his dog...
Looks like we got to
build a big new jail.
Alvin's going to
arrest the whole town.
Let me give you
a little advice, eh, kid?
Just throw those law books away.
Better to turn your eyes and let
them fight their damn dogs.
It's a damn sight better
Смертельная охота

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