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the happened Extraordinary Meeting in 2003.
Not the other part of the meeting,
but those details do not interest.
What describes that Killen Oil does not offer
any risk, but the children of Minister
are taken care of in the school Lily in Switzerland,
in a world full of substantial gains.
7 million dollars.
As I said, we will not debate
that type of details.
But ahead, Daniel Jr worked
like Consultant of Energy…
Retained by Killen, previously…
By God Tom, both received
letters of the Great Jury, is not…
… your private celebration.
the only thing that I mean is that
it does not have anything of which to take hold itself.
Single we spoke of businesses  truth?
the law is in charge of everything
of which we have spoken.
He is an illegal guest, money, promises
of money or any thing on
the 102
influences of You two
who serve to us.
Is not thus?
I personally have seen,
an account of your company/signature of 105
to the government of the south of Arabia
by 36 million dollars.
a single account by served.
problems of our businesses
are not for discussing now.
What so bad can be.
He is a good man, friend mine.
A bifurcation?
Some people…
cousins mine demanded
to my father in the Commenwealth.
Alleging that it broke an agreement for
the transference of bottoms of the state.
Because the agreement was real.
Agreement on what?
Trataron to remain with its thousands
in the principle of 80.
Quisiera to see my father.
I feel its Senoria.
But his father does not feel well.
My cousins are not people who
have toys in the hands.
and my single brother has
faith in his own swindles.
Creo that that is, of my
the American brother and lawyers.
Digame,  what are thinking?
About what they think?
What is thinking?
They think that they are escabullendo themselves.
That is escabullen.
90% of which it is
are in the Average East.
Mira the progresses…
It is Seiz, Suez, in 1973,
gold for both companies.
This is a fight until death.
And about what they are thinking?
Piensan about following in the game,
buying itself new toys…
… to continue spending 50 thousand dollars
in one night in its hotels.
But they do not invest in the infrastructure,
do not construct the real economy.
But, when finally
wide-awake… you are in dry.
and your you will remain with
the greater resources of history.
Ven with me, please.
Estudie in Oxford and I graduated
in Georgetown.
Quiero to create an opponent.
That the women have
the right to the vote.
Quiero to be an independent nation.
Quiero to stop the petroleum
interchange in the Average East.
I do not believe that was expected it.
Of all ways greater petroleum
interchanges happen London and New York.
Ponemos all that energy in competition.
Our empire must go to
Europe as UD you have proposed it.
Or to start off for China.
Any thing that is cheap
and maximizes the gains.
Gains that I will use
to reconstruct my country.
- That is exactly what must do.
- Exact.
With exception that your president
brings my father…
… and say that I have
a use in Texas.
Kansas, in the state of Washington.
and with a call later they rob
our 155 social program
to us
to give more values
his airplane.
we must to the Americans
but we forgot that debt.
Acceptance you confiscate them Chinese, the best ones.
And suddenly I am a terrorist.
I am a communist atheist.
Dean Whitying.
This represents that there will be
no discords in the one of petroleum
and my brother. But also
he interchanges petroleum.
There is been pressing my father
so that he accepts the Chinese contract.
But they underestimate it.
This is legality.
it does not seem to me that people
are seating in the 166
That is what they do, is as well as
they make the businesses.
Hablamos of a problem
that takes hundreds of years.
Of each treatment which we can do in
Europe, transport,  gives account you?
Digo that these are able not only
to revolutionize
Сириана Сириана

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- текст За двумя зайцами на английском
- текст Упущенная галактика на английском
- текст Охранник на английском
- текст Злодей на английском
- текст Фламандская доска на английском

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