music) (music)I remember always always (music) (music)I got such a fright (music) (music)Seeing them in my dark cupboard (music) (music) With my great big cake (music) - (music)lf they were me If they were me (music) - [Yawning] (music)And I was you And I was you (music) (music)lf they were me If they were me (music) (music)And I was you And I was you (music) (music)lf they were me and I was you (music) (music) Would you have liked a present too (music) (music)Happy, happy birthday in a hot bath (music) (music) To those nice, nice nights (music) (music)I remember always always (music) (music)I got such a fright (music) (music)Seeing them in my dark cupboard (music) (music) With my great big cake (music) (music)lf they were me If they were me (music) (music)And I was you And I was you (music) (music)lf they were me If they were me (music) (music)And I was you And I was you (music) (music)lf they were me and I was you (music) [Sighing] (music) Would you have liked a present too (music) (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) [Sighs] [Snoring Softly] (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) (music)Happy birthday Happy birthday (music) You swear to God, you don't have it? I don't know anything about it. Jennifer Woods gave me a sex test during child development. And I was supposed to do it and pass it to you in independent study. [Sighing] I'm totally screwed. Did you put your name on it? Hi. No, but it was really embarrassing. I had to name who I'd do it with if I ever did it. Who'd you name? Jake Ryan. Jake Ryan? He doesn't even know you exist. Thank you. That's a very nice thing to say. I'm sorry. But Jake Ryan? He's a senior, and he's taken. I mean, really taken. I know. It was supposed to be my ideal. He's ideal, for sure, but forget it. God, I hope whoever got the note doesn't know it was me who wrote it. I'd shit twice and die. Do you know Samantha Baker? Sophomore, right? Yeah. What do you think of her? I don't. Would you ever go out with her? Depends on how much you paid me. She's not ugly. There's nothin' there, man. It's not ugly. It's just... void. You know what I mean? There's somethin' about her. I do independent study with her. I catch her lookin' at me a lot. It's kinda cool, the way she's always lookin' at me. Maybe she's retarded. I'm bein' serious, okay? She looks at me like she's in love with me. Jake, she's a child. So? So what're you gonna do with her? She's obviously too young to party serious. Maybe I'm interested in more than a party. Come on, Jake. You talk like you're hard up. You got Caroline. Now she's a woman. It's unbelievable. I swear to God, Caroline Mulford had to flunk about nine grades. [Girl] Truly makes me ill. [Samantha] She's perfect. Practically impossible to cut up. She's supposedly real sweet. Brother's deaf, and everybody in the world worships her. [Samantha] And she's going with Jake. Oh, I'm gonna kill myself. My man. (music)[Band Instruments Practicing, Off-key] [Kids Chattering] I loathe the bus. [Noise Subsides] [Sighing] There has to be a more dignified mode of transportation. I hope you get a car for your birthday, and a license. [Scoffs] Let's not hold our breath. [Space Guns Firing] [Both Chuckle] [Together] Score... a direct hit. [Together] On second thought. (music)[Off-key Instruments Continue] (music)[Kazoos Playing Brahms's "Hungarian Dance No. 5'] (music)Hey (music) [Driver] Move it.! Call me, okay? You call me first. Tell me what happened at home. I can tell you right now. Nothing. Will you quit feeling sorry for yourself? It's bad for your complexion! (music)["Theme from Dragnet"] How's it goin'? How's what going? You know, things, life, whatnot. Life is ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Вижу Землю! на английском - текст Папа на английском - текст Сердце Ангела на английском - текст Десять негритят на английском - текст Взять живым или мёртвым на английском |