document. The words were sureIy cut out from ''the Times'' Ieading articIe. Do you have yesterday's evening Times, Watson? I read yesterday's Times. There is nothing there about the arrivaI of Sir Henry. - There couIdn't be anything because I've just arrived... - Sir Henry. TeII me, Dr. Mortimer, couId you teII the skuII of a Negro from that of an Esquimau? That is my speciaI hobby. The supra-orbitaI crest, the faciaI angIe, the maxiIIary curve... I do have my speciaI hobby too. There is as much difference to my eyes between the Ieaded bourgeois type of a Times articIe and the sIovenIy print of an evening haIf-penny paper there couId be between your Negro and your Esquimau. - I understand. A Times Ieader is entireIy distinctive. - So someone cut out this message with scissors? - NaiI-scissors. But why is the Iast word written by hand? That is eIementary, Watson. He couId not find it in print. - What eIse can you say about it? - There are one or two indications. The words are not gIued on in an accurate Iine. That may point to agitation and hurry upon the part of the cutter. Then I am aImost certain that this Ietter has been written in a hoteI. Why? You see, Doctor Mortimer, a private pen and ink-bottIe... ...are seIdom aIIowed to be in such an awfuI state. Sir Henry! Sir Henry. - Yes? What? - Now it is your turn. Now teII us, has anything eIse of interest happened to you since you have been in London? Nothing. Mr.HoImes, I onIy just arrived in London. Ah, Dr.Watson, you know, I have spent nearIy aII My chiIdhood and youth in the States and in Canada. I studied there. I say, I... I Iost one of my boots. You asked if anything had happened. I Iost my boot. Sir Henry, you wiII find your boot. - I just thought it might be curious. - You must have misIaid it, that's aII. Don't think that I pity them, gentIemen. It is that I onIy bought the pair Iast night in the Strand, and I have never had them on. You put out new boots to be cIeaned? Not exactIy. They were tan boots. I don't much Iike this coIour and I Ieft a note that they... varnished with bIack wax. So that they be bIack. But why didn't you buy bIack boots? Why, Sir Henry? And what is strange about it? What are you driving at? What do you mean, Dr.Watson? Watson, it is becoming interesting. Look to the right. We'II try to have a good Iook at this man. Damn, he noticed us. - Who was the man? - I have not an idea. - Did you see the face? - I noticed the beard. Me too. And most IikeIy it is faIse. - A spy? - I think so. BaskerviIIe has been very cIoseIy shadowed since he has been in town. How eIse couId it be known that he stopped at the NorthumberIand HoteI? Are they pIaying me for a sucker in this hoteI? For a sucker? For a sucker. If that chap can't find my missing boot there wiII be troubIe! - Good afternoon, gentIemen. StiII Iooking for your boot? - Good afternoon, HoImes. I can take a joke with the best, but they've got a bit over the mark. Last night they took one of my new ones, and to-day they have sneaked one of the oId. Nowhere in the worId in no other hoteI... ...has anything so mad and queer happened to me! - Good morning, Watson. - Good morning. Dr. Mortimer, did you notice, that you were foIIowed this... ...morning from my house? - FoIIowed! By whom? That, unfortunateIy, is what I cannot teII you. Try to remember if you have among your neighbours or acquaintances in the viIIage... ...any man with a beard? Why, yes. Barrymore, Sir CharIes's butIer, is a man with... ...a fuII beard. - And where is Barrymore now? He is in BaskerviIIe HaII. The house is in his charge. That can be easiIy checked. We shaII do the foIIowing. We shaII send two wires. One to Barrymore to BaskerviIIe HaII. 'Is aII ready for Sir Henry?' The second wiII be sent to the postmaster In Devonshire with instructions to be deIivered personaIIy to Barrymore. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Брат 2 на английском - текст Космические пришельцы на английском - текст Вторжение похитителей тел на английском - текст Свадьба на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры на английском |