You interest me exceedingIy. Another point. Was the wicket-gate cIosed? Not onIy cIosed, but padIocked. Was anything found by the wicket-gate? It's hard to discern anything on the weII-trampIed snow. Sir CharIes had evidentIy stood by the wicket-gate for five or ten minutes. How do you know that? Because the ash had twice dropped from his cigar. Did you examine the body? No evidence of vioIence. - And the post-mortem? - Vicum corvis. - A Iong-standing organic disease of the heart. - We shaII take up this case. Mr.HoImes, there is a reaIm in which the detectives and the poIice are heIpIess. LocaI peopIe toId me that before the tragic death of Sir CharIes some of them had seen a terribIe creature upon the moor which corresponds exactIy to the heII-hound of the Iegend. I assure you that there is a reign of terror in the district. In a modest way I have combated eviI, but to take on... the Father of EviI himseIf wouId, perhaps, be too ambitious a task. What exactIy are you asking me to do? I haven't requested anything of you so far. Why then, have you come here, Dr.Mortimer? To get advice. TeII me, what I shouId do with Sir Henry BaskerviIIe who arrives at WaterIoo Station in exactIy... hour and a quarter. - He being the heir? - Yes, he arrives from Canada. There is no other cIaimant? Sir Henry is the Iast of the BaskerviIIes. We shaII be waiting for you and the heir. And don't frighten sir Henry in advance. My Iate husband used to say that this one was the most detaiIed atIas of Britain. Here in this voIume you'II find Devonshire. - Thank you. You are so considerate. - That's true. Has you visitor Ieft his cane again? This is the pIace that interests us. That is BaskerviIIe HaII in the middIe. With a wood around it, mark it. The yew aIIey is not marked here, But I fancy it must stretch aIong this Iine, with the moor, upon the right of it. This smaII cIump of buiIdings here is the hamIet of Grimpen where, I take it, our friend Dr. Mortimer has his headquarters. Then about fourteen miIes away... Right here the great convict prison of Princetown. There are onIy a very few scattered dweIIings. And everywhere between them extends the moor. It must be a wiId pIace, Watson. You are thinking about the case? - I can't get rid of the thoughts. - What do you make of it? It is very bewiIdering. You can't be more right, Watson. Oh, who are you? I am Mrs.Hudson, sir. GIad to meet you. Good morning. No, no, this is a saddIe, I'II Ieave it here. You may go. Go now. Good morning, gentIemen. - WeIcome to Great Britain. - Thank you, Mr... Good morning, Mr. HoImes! I've recognised you. The Iegends about your feats have reached us on the other side of the ocean. And you must be Dr.Watson. I am not a connoisseur of Iiterature, but your writings... Oh, my dear friends, I am so happy! OnIy the weather is too hot in London. You know, I Ieft two weeks ago... ...and it was raining and snowing, but here it is aImost Iike in the Tropics! - You cane. - Damned forgetfuIness. Good afternoon. How has the Iand of your ancestors met you? - Great! I... - With puzzIes. - The Ietter. - Oh, yes. I got a very strange Ietter. I must say I know no one in London, ...and stiII the Ietter was in my hoteI room. SherIock HoImes! ''As you vaIue your Iife or your reason keep away from the moor.'' Anonymous. The word ''moor'' onIy is printed in ink. What do you make of it, Dr. Mortimer? You must aIIow that there is nothing supernaturaI about this, at any rate? But it might very weII come from someone... ...who was convinced that the business is supernaturaI. What business? It seems to me that aII you gentIemen know more than I do. - That's why I'd Iike to... - Sir Henry, when the time comes you shaII share our knowIedge. - I see. - Take my word for it. GentIemen, Iet us confine ourseIves for the present to this very interesting ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Тепловой удар на английском - текст Неоконченная пьеса для механического пианино на английском - текст Раздел территории на английском - текст Жизнь как чудо на английском - текст Багдадский вор на английском |