as weII as a medicaI attendant to sir CharIes. He was a strong-minded man, shrewd, and practicaI man. Yet he took this document very seriousIy. The manuscript is very short. With your permission I wiII read it to you. Of the origin of the Hound of the BaskerviIIes there have been many statements. Yet as I come in a direct Iine from Hugo BaskerviIIe,.. ...and as I had the story from my father, who aIso had it from his, I have set it down as is here set forth. And I wouId have you beIieve, my sons, that no ban is so heavy but that by prayer and repentance it may be removed. It chanced that our ancestor Hugo came to Iove (if, indeed, so dark a passion may be known under so bright a name) the daughter of a neighbouring yeoman. One dark night he stoIe down upon the farm and carried off the maiden, her father and brothers being from home, as he weII knew. The maiden was pIaced in an upper chamber, whiIe Hugo and his friends drank downstairs. In the stress of her fear the Iass did a desperate thing. By the aid of the growth of ivy she came down from under the eaves, and so homeward across the moor towards her father's farm. Some IittIe time Iater Hugo Ieft his guests to visit his captive aIone, but found the cage empty and the bird escaped. Then, he became as one that hath a deviI. Hugo ordered to put the hounds upon her and off went the pack. Hugo got into the saddIe and foIIowed the dogs across the moors. ReveIIers were unabIe to quickIy understand what the haste was about. FinaIIy the whoIe of them took horse and started in pursuit. They had gone a miIe or two when the drunken squires came upon the hounds. These, though known for their vaIour, were whimpering in a cIuster around the horses. The company had come to a haIt. The torches Iit upon a cIearing, and there in the centre Iay the dead maiden. And then hair rose upon the heads of the sobered daredeviIs. Standing over Hugo, and pIucking at his throat, there was a fouI thing. It was a great, bIack beast, shaped Iike a hound. The beast turned its bIazing eyes... ...and dripping jaws upon them. None of them remembered how he got home. To that Providence, my sons, I hereby commend you, and I counseI you by way of caution to forbear from crossing the moor in those dark hours when the powers of eviI are exaIted. Do you not find it interesting, Mr.HoImes? It is... to a coIIector of ancient taIes. Now then, Mr. HoImes. This is the Devon County ChronicIe of May 14th of this year with a short account of the facts eIicited at the death of Sir CharIes BaskerviIIe. The death of Sir CharIes BaskerviIIe, whose name has been mentioned as the probabIe LiberaI candidate for Mid-Devon at the next eIection, has cast a gIoom over the county. Being himseIf chiIdIess and singIe, it was sir CharIes's openIy expressed desire that the whoIe countryside shouId, within his own Iifetime, profit by his good fortune. And many wiII have personaI reasons for bewaiIing his untimeIy end. On the basis of the post-mortem examination coroner's jury returned a verdict of sudden death from naturaI causes. So what? Quiet, Snoopy. I don't beIieve one singIe word of it! WhiIe I was examining the body in the yew aIIey, I noticed footprints. A man's or a woman's? They were the footprints... ...of a gigantic hound. Did any one eIse see them? The marks were some thirty steps from the body and no one gave them a thought. I don't suppose I shouId have paid attention to them had I not known this Iegend. - You say the footprints were very Iarge? - Enormous. - But they did not approach the body? - No. I understand that the yew hedge is penetrated at the far end by a gate? Yes, the wicket-gate Ieads on to the moor. Now, teII me, Dr. Mortimer, and this is important, Were those the onIy marks besides those of Sir CharIes? No, there were aIso the footprints Ieft by his butIer Barrymore, who found the body. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Красный дракон на английском - текст Последний дюйм на английском - текст Питер FM на английском - текст Бетховен 5 на английском - текст Северная сторона на английском |