above a whisper. ExceIIent, gentIemen. These rocks make an admirabIe screen. - We are to wait here? - Yes, we shaII make our IittIe ambush here. You have been inside the house, Watson. Can you teII the position of the rooms? - What are those windows on the right? - They are the kitchen windows. - And the one beyond, which shines so brightIy? - The dining-room. Go and see what they are doing. If sir Henry isn't out in a quarter of an hour the path wiII be covered by the fog. We are too far. It is not safe. He may be overtaken before he can reach us. Hush. It seems he is coming. There it is. Sir Henry, we've Iaid the famiIy ghost once and forever. What was it? What, in heaven's name, was it? How are you, Sir Henry? We owe you a deep apoIogy, Sir Henry, for having exposed you to this fright. Phosphorus. A cunning preparation of it. There is no smeII. The crime is now evident. There's someone in here. This way. The brute! HoImes, where's your brandy-bottIe? What a brute! - Has he escaped? - He cannot escape us. - I did not mean my husband. Sir Henry? Is he safe? - Yes. - And the hound? - It is dead. There is but one pIace where he can have fIed. There is an oId tin mine on an isIand in the heart of the Grimpen mire. It was there that he kept his hound. Do you recognise the boot, Watson? Its brother brunt in the grate in NorthumberIand HoteI. 2 boots with so different destinies. That's aII that is Ieft of Snoopy. He barked so niceIy in Baker Street. Here is phosphorus. What an awfuI death. Time changes and we change too. Now you are my patient too. I am gIad of that. Now you are a true inhabitant of Devonshire a brave man the owner of BaskerviIIe HaII. Soon we wiII board a ship and saiI around the worId. Crossing 3 oceans and 16 seas. A voyage around the worId is the best medicine for an EngIishman. We won't get upon a dirty ship. We wiII chose a remarkabIe five-mast one. We shaII saiI and come back heaIthy. WeII, I am... gIad that you are intact. ScotIand Yard wiII aIways protect your safety, Mr.BaskerviIe. The hound is dead... What fiIth. It is aII over. With a sense of peace I Ieave your hospitabIe house... - Good bye. - That's it. And then when you moved here they remained in London. What tasty porridge! We do Iove cereaI! And then she crossed the ocean and sent me a very Iong Ietter. They had a boy and they caIIed him Henry. The boy feII iII but the he started eating cereaI and he grew up big, heaIthy and handsome. We shaII eat cereaI too and we shaII soon be strong and heaIthy. We do Iove cereaI. Look, we Iove it so much. Soon it wiII be warm, we wiII go for a waIk... The famiIy portrait did not Iie. This fake StapIeton was indeed a BaskerviIIe. He was a son of Rodger BaskerviIIe, the younger brother of Sir CharIes, who fIed to South America Iong ago. There the scoundreI married a certain BeryI Garcia, one of the beauties of Costa Rica. Having purIoined pubIic money, he changed his name to VandeIeur and fIed to EngIand, where he estabIished a schooI in Yorkshire. ''Inspector Lestrade's accurate shot in Devonshire''. - Is it true, Mr.HoImes? - Very true, Mrs.Hudson. - Is it true, Doctor Watson? - Sorry to say it is. Why are you sorry? ''The Times'' says he is the best inspector in ScotIand Yard. Being a man of IittIe imagination Lestrade was of much use to us. After aII it is him that Sir Henry owes his Iife to. You were absoIuteIy right, Dr.Watson. It is a very compIicated story. OId BaskerviIIe's bIind beIief in the oId Iegend prompted the criminaI the idea of turning the hound into a beast of heII. Sir CharIes himseIf toId StapIeton about the famiIy hound, and so prepared the way for his own death. StapIeton knew that sir CharIes's heart was weak and that a shock wouId kiII him. And so it happened. When instead of Laura Lyons the oId man saw that scarecrow by the wicket-gate. But the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Правдивая ложь на английском - текст Майами Блюз на английском - текст Преступление в Раю на английском - текст Соседские мальчишки на английском - текст Части тела на английском |