who knew my sad history and heIped me. Mr.Mortimer, for exampIe... or Mr. StapIeton, a neighbour and intimate friend of Sir CharIes's He was exceedingIy kind to me. IncidentaIIy, it was through him that Sir CharIes Iearned about my affairs. Did you ever write to Sir CharIes asking him to meet you? ReaIIy, sir, this is a very improper question. I am sorry, madam, but I must repeat it. Then I answer, certainIy not. Not on the very day of Sir CharIes's death? SureIy your memory deceives you. I couId even quote a passage of your Ietter. ''PIease, pIease, as you are a gentIeman, burn this Ietter, and be at the gate by 10 o'cIock.'' Is there no such thing as a gentIeman? Why at such a Iate hour? I had onIy just Iearned that sir CharIes was going to London for severaI months. WeII, what happened when you did get there? - I never went. - Miss Lyons... - I never went - What prevented your going? That is a private matter. I cannot teII it. Why were you so pressing that Sir CharIes shouId destroy your Ietter? If you have read the Ietter you wiII know. The Ietter had been burned. Sir CharIes did as you had asked him to do. I onIy read the postscript. You made an appointment with sir CharIes at the very pIace and hour where and when he died. AII right. I wiII teII you. My Iife has been one incessant persecution from a husband whom I abhor. The Iaw is upon his side. And every day I am faced by the possibiIity that he may force me to Iive with him. At the time that I wrote this Ietter to Sir CharIes I had Iearned that there was a prospect of my regaining my freedom if certain expenses couId be met. Freedom meant everything to me - peace of mind, happiness, seIf-respect. Everything. I knew Sir CharIes's generosity, and I thought that he wouId heIp me. Then how is it that you did not go? Because I received heIp in the intervaI from another source. WeII what about this precious reIation of yours Barrymore? Is he stiII Iurking out yonder on the moor? I don't know, sir. I hope to heaven that he has gone. I've not heard of him since I Ieft out food for him Iast, and that was 3 days ago. Thank you. Did you see him then? No, sir, but the food was gone. I checked it. If there was no food then he certainIy was there. So you wouId think, sir, unIess it was the other man who took it. What man? Sir, there is another man hiding upon the moor. - Have you seen him? - No, Sir. How do you know of him then? SeIden saw him twice. At first he thought that he was the poIice, but soon... - Where is sir Henry? - He went for a waIk towards the moor. - Where?! - Towards the moor. I say, Watson! Watson! Are you going to foIIow me aII the time? That depends on where you go. If you go on the moor, I wiII foIIow you. - Why are you shadowing me aII the time? - You know my orders, don't you. What orders? Do you mean to say I have no right to court a Iady? Just now her brother gave me a piece of his mind. - After aII, am I worse then the rest? - No, you are not. - I am sick and tired. - You do have the right... Doctor Watson! - Good afternoon - Good afternoon. Good-day, Dr. Watson. You must reaIIy give your horses a rest. You are a private detective and I want to have a word with you. I have some interesting information. Some poaching case, no doubt? Ha, ha, my boy, a very much more important matter than that! What about the convict on the moor? I have seen with my own eyes the messenger who takes him his food. A man with a beard. You'II be surprised to hear that his food is taken to him by a chiId. He passes aIong the same path at the same hour, To whom shouId he be going except to the convict? It may be the son of one of the moorIand shepherds taking out his father's dinner. Indeed, sir? Come, come! You wiII see with your own eyes. This way, pIease. Have a Iook. Quick, Dr. Watson, quick, before he passes over the hiII! WeII! Am I right? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском - текст Аэроплан II: Продолжение на английском - текст Жизнь как чудо на английском - текст Шинель на английском - текст Великая война демонов на английском |