Livanov DR. WATSON - Vitaly Solomin Mrs Hudson - Rina Zelenaya Also... Irina Kupchenko, Nikita MikhaIkov, AIIa Demidova, SvetIana Kruchkova AIexandr Adabashian, BorisIav Brondukov Sergei Martinson, Evgeny StebIov OIeg Yankovsky O.BeIov, D.Bessonov, O.PaImov Watson, Watson, what's that? It was the cry of a hound? They say it might be the caIIing of some bird. But you know yourseIf that it sounded Iike a hound. It's a sound they have on the moor sometimes. Oh, pIease, don't. Don't treat me Iike a chiId. TeII me the truth. It is the hound, isn't it Watson? The foIk on the countryside say it is the cry of the Hound of the BaskerviIIes. It aII fits together. When my uncIe died there was the footprint of the hound beside him. - ShaII we turn back? - Yes, Iet's. What is it? SeIdon. - There is another one over there. - Where? You are unweII to, Watson? Your breakfast, my Iord. Why are you aIways shouting, Barrymore? Why are you shouting? We are not deaf here, are we. My God. I was very much surprised when I Iearned that you had been chasing SeIden. I assure you I wouIdn't Iike to put anyone upon his track. The poor feIIow has enough to fight against. But what have you got to do with it aII? TeII me, what have you got to do with it? You onIy toId us, or rather your wife onIy toId us, when it was forced from her. You must agree that he is stiII a murderer. There are IoneIy houses scattered over the moor. Think how Mr StapIeton and his sister must feeI? ShouId something happen there is nowhere they can expect heIp from. - I assure you, SeIden is no danger to anyone. - WeII... He is about to Ieave for South America. He is waiting for a ship. The poIice have given up the chase. But of course if you report to the poIice... Very weII, but what if he does something before he Ieaves? - But... - Sir, he is on the moor as quiet as a mouse. Is he not afraid of that hound on the moor? Just... He is very much afraid. Look here, Barrymore, my friend. Don't take offence. After aII we are not going to report to the poIice or the authorities. So you can rest assured. God bIess you, Sir. - You are so kind, Sir Henry. - No, not again. You are do kind to us. Perhaps I shouId have toId you earIier. Perhaps the poIice wouId have Iiked to know it to? It's weII to go carefuIIy when there's a Iady in the case. And when it concerns nobIe peopIe Nothing good wiII ever come of it. This won't heIp our poor master, and your uncIe, the kind Sir CharIes. Every day I cIean in his study and even on the day foIIowing his death I dusted his tabIe, and the marbIe statuette,.. ...and the manteIpiece... - Did you find anything in the study? Don't take it that I was fumbIing with his papers, sir. I never do that. I am not in the habit ...of fumbIing with other peopIe's papers, Sir. - Did you find anything? I know why he was at the gate at that Iate hour. - Why? - It was to meet a woman. - How do you know this? - I found the ashes of a burned Ietter in the back of the grate. Quite by chance, Sir. I... Don't think bad of me, pIease. What was it? AImost ashes, Sir. I managed to read a few words at the end of the Ietter. ''I entreat you as onIy a woman can entreat be at the gate by 10 o cIock''. - Have you got that sIip? - No, sir, it crumbIed aII to bits in my hand. - What eIse? - The signature. - The signature? - Yes, it was signed. 2 Ietters, Sir, ''L.L.'' The sun has come out and there seems nothing to be afraid of. TeII me pIease, you probabIy know everyone here. - At Ieast the grown-up peopIe of the neighbourhood. - Suppose, I do. Can you, then, teII me the fuII name of any woman whose initiaIs are L.L.? There is no one whose initiaIs are those. Wait a bit though. There is a Laura Lyons. - Who is she? - She is FrankIand's daughter. Ah, FrankIand's. Thanks for reminding me. What a nice day. Good morning dear Watson. - You are going to ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Хроники мутантов на английском - текст Красный дракон на английском - текст Реквием по Мечте на английском - текст Идиот на английском - текст На безымянной высоте на английском |