[Man] This is the city. Los Angeles, California. 465 square miles of constantly interfacing humanity... representing every race, colour... creed and persuasion... that God, no matter how he is worshipped... chose, in His infinite wisdom, to deposit here... in the cultural nexus of the Pacific Rim. Almost 4 million people work and play here. And like any other place anywhere... there are those who have it and those who want it. Those who have it, enjoy it... no matter how they got it. Those who want it, can get it by attempting to better themselves... in a sympathetic community populated by decent citizens cheering them on. Or they can try to take it the easy way. Because even in the City of Angels, from time to time, some halos slip. That's where I come in, doing my job to the best of my ability on a daily basis. I work here. I carry a badge. }} [Dragnet March Plays] Dragnet! } Police, police police officer, ma'am } } Their job Their job } } To enforce the laws To enforce the laws } } Their job: To enforce the laws } } Enforce Enforce the laws } } To enforce the laws Their job: To enforce the laws } } J-J-J-J-Just the facts, ma'am } } Just the facts, ma'am Just the facts, ma'am } } D-D-D-D-Dragnet Dragnet } } To enforce the laws To enforce the laws } } To enforce the laws } } Dragnet, Dragnet, Dragnet } } Their job: To enforce the laws To enforce the laws } } To enforce the laws To enforce the laws } Police officers, ma'am. Just the facts, ma'am. Just the facts, ma'am. } J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J } - } To enforce the laws } - } M-My name's Friday } - } M-My name's Friday } - } Enforce the laws } - } M-My name's Friday } - } Their job } } To enforce the laws } } And preserve the safety of decent citizens } } Dragnet, Dragnet, Dragnet }} [Narrator] Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. For example, George Baker is now called Sylvia Wiss. Hey, who called the fire department? What the hell is going on here? Chief, where's the fire? See the fire? I see the fire. I see the fire. Good! When you wake up... tell Jerry Caesar he's out of business. [Detective] It was Wednesday, January 7. A cool day in Los Angeles, with westerly winds... and light, scattered clouds at 3,000 feet. I was working day watch out of Robbery-Homicide... at the same desk my late Uncle Joe occupied... when he served with the department 20 years ago. Many aspects of the officer's routine have changed since Uncle Joe's time. Now there are new methods, new philosophies, new equipment. The standard service revolver and simple lead sap... have given way to Taser guns and anodized metal batons. But there's one thing that never changes. The face of crime. It just gets bigger and badder and uglier every day. My partner's name is Frank Smith. The boss is Captain Gannon. My name's Friday. - Joe. - Captain. Frank's late. Must've been held up in traffic. - Frank won't be coming in today. - 24-hour virus? - Or tomorrow. - Forty-eight? Frank quit. Bought a goat farm. Moved to Ukiah. Left you this note. He was too broken up to talk about it. Said he knew you'd understand. Every man has a dream to chase. Frank's was that goat farm. - I understand. But tell me something. - Yeah? Those 3.6 million citizens who expected him to be on the job this morning... will they understand? [Friday] 8:47 a.m. Captain Gannon had assigned me to investigate the Pagan robberies... a pattern of serial crimes which had occurred throughout the city. They'd seemed merely irritating, but were gaining notoriety... through their growing frequency and naked brazenness. I was to contact my new partner at the central receiving lot. A less experienced officer might have been concerned he was getting potluck. But I knew that any detective the department had to offer me... was automatically ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Мой научный проект на английском - текст Ишь ты, масленица! на английском - текст Бермудский треугольник на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском - текст Иваново детство на английском |