now. l have serious things to do. A new constitution. The main law ofthe state. Then l'll go on vacation. To Pitsunda. Malkov ViktorVasilyevich, the officer of lgnatov's guard. A.l. Mikoyan. A member ofthe CC CPSU presidium Tell me onlywhat you know. We'll draw conclusions by ourselves. Yes, comrade Mikoyan. Let me report onlyfacts. - Sergey, take notes. - Okay. Constant meetings with Podgorny and Brezhnev, their mysterious calls. And finally, an unexpected friendship of my boss with Semichastny and Shelepin. For some reason l heard ''November'' in everytalk. What must be done before November? And now l think that the constant talks about November are connected with Nikita Sergeevich's vacation. That is it. l asked you to keep yourself from your own versions. - The thing you told me, comrade... - Malkov. ...Malkov, is very serious. l hope you understand about responsibilityyou take upon yourself. l do, comrade Mikoyan. That's good. You acted like a real communist. But l must state that comrades Podgorny, Brezhnev and other comrades you mentioned are honest people too. Devoted their heart and soul forthe welfare ofthe people and the communist party. That's whywe treat them as our companions-in-arms. - Sergey, did you write that down? - No, too quickly. Take yourtime. our companions-in-arms. Are you going on vacation with yourfather? Yes, but later when l finish with mythings. Then decode the notes and take them to Pitsunda. You've got a nice eavesdropping device here, Sukhov. l hear non-important things and l don't hear important. Scumbag. Anastas is like a fox. As always, he takes both parts. He's a strategist. What is it? The personal file ofthe captain Malkov, comrade General. l'm not gonna look at that. -Why not? - Because. lt's you who overlooked, so it's you who's gonna deal with that. Got it. He didn't believe me. l think everything was fine. And as forthose words... Hejust didn't want to cast a shadow on CC CPSU members before he could check them. Or maybe even worse. Worse than what? l'm sorry for dragging you into this. Don't call me anymore. They know about me. Stop it. Don't worry. Nikita Sergeevich knows about you already. -Where are you going? - l overslept. Check other platforms, l'm gonna check the station. Yes. -Yourticket? - l'll settle this down. l need the internal phone. The First, it's the Seventh. The object has left the station in Kharkov. - ls this the last train fortoday? -Yes. -Where to? - To Mariupol. Where do you need to go? - The same city. - lnsane. Why didn't you come earlier? 601, wait a minute. There's a passenger here. Thank you. Moscow. Airport Vnukovo-2. October, 2. As we Russians say, dear Nikita Sergeevich, this one is forthe road. Don't worry, we're guarding here. l see. -What's your rank now? - Colonel-general, Nikita Sergeevich. Colonel-general. l was a lieutenant-general today. And l'm a private. So, our supreme commander-in-chief, have some rest, and then, relaxed... lt would be good to be relaxed, private. But why do l need to be relaxed, when as l heard you're gonna remove me in November. Nikita Sergeevich, this is not funny. How did you think about such things, Nikita Sergeevich? Who could've told you that? Who is trying to force a wedge to the leadership? Nikolay, did you lose your sense of humour? Nikita Sergeevich is teasing us. He likes doing that. - Our dear Nikita Sergeevich! - Stop it. lt's time. Dad, l'm sorry, l'vejust escaped. My son. l was laughed here because ofyou. What do you mean? l told them about the conspiracy. You did? And what about Malkov? OK, let's not talk about this. Good bye. Let's step aside. Did you hearthat? Yes. He knows everything. He does, but he doesn't believe that. Otherwise he wouldn't leave. -We've got to do something! - Like what? We need to do something. lnaction is critical for us. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Лучшие годы нашей жизни на английском - текст Критическая ситуация на английском - текст Торпедоносцы на английском - текст Кино Лиззи МакГайр на английском - текст Дама с собачкой на английском |