- Avon, it's me, Blake. Stand still! Have you betrayed us? Have you betrayed me? - Tarrant doesn't understand. - Neither do I, Blake. - I set all this up! - Yes. Avon, I was waiting for you. Avon. Blake! They've found us. The base is under... Arlen, what happened? He happened. Be so kind as to drop your guns, all of you. You and this nest of rebels are now prisoners of the Federation. Your friend Blake said he couldn't tell anymore who was Federation and who wasn't. He was right. He couldn't. - You're a Federation agent? - I'm a Federation officer. Now, look, I've never been against the Federation. I mean, I've only ever been along for the ride. I'm not even armed. You can't kill me. I'm completely harmless and armless. Sorry. Avon! (Alarm stops) (Guns firing) ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Путёвка в жизнь на английском - текст Русский ковчег на английском - текст Гран Торино на английском - текст Хоттабыч на английском - текст Осенний марафон на английском |