estimate it must have crashed somewhere in Plantation Five. - Do you want a search patrol sent out? - No, just log it. Right. - Chalk up another one to law and order. - Smuggler, do you think? Something like that. Do you know it's getting so you can't make a dishonest living on this planet anymore? That is the object of the exercise. I wonder if those gunships challenged him before they opened fire. I doubt it. Um... These two. - Plantation Five, did she say? - Yes. I might just take a swing out in that direction, see if there's anything left. You'll be wasting time. I'll bear that in mind. Last known locations and probable movements for both subjects, - and official authorization to hunt them. - Thank you. (Electronic beeping) You've been given a temporary appointment as a law enforcement officer. That central computer doesn't care who it makes respectable, does it? It's an inferior model, I'm afraid. - I'll be in touch if I find that ship. - Time really is getting short, you know. The representative from the Federation High Council could come at any moment. We can't afford mistakes. I wasn't intending to make any. The bounty hunter is on his way up. Make sure his flyer is fuelled and ready to leave, will you? MAN: Right. I'll check it. Arlen. Have you anything to say before I decide what to do with you? - I have information. - What information? - For my life. - What information? It's about the man who brought me here. What about him? (Distress beacon sounding) - Is there a problem? - Someone's operating a distress beacon. - It's on the official frequency. - Nothing in it for me, then. Outlaws tend not to use distress beacons. I assume you have given some thought to how you will explain your presence here. Not to mention my impersonation of an official distress beacon. Just keep sending, Orac. I don't particularly want to spend the night out here. You may have to. There is very little daylight left. And search parties are unlikely to operate in this terrain at night. Stick to the distress beacon, Orac. When I want your impersonation of a pain, I will let you know. Oh, charming. - Really charming. - Oh, stop moaning, Vila. It's better than spending a night in the open. Are you serious? The state the roof's in it's the same as spending a night in the open. Well, if you'd prefer the trees, feel free to go. Don't let us stop you. I'd prefer a city, but I'd accept a town. In fact, I'd settle for some indication we weren't the only people left alive in this miserable tree sanctuary. Look, why don't you go and collect some firewood? Because it's dark out there. - Surely you're not afraid of the dark? - Only when it's unilluminated. - What's that? - All right, Vila, you've made your point. No, listen. (High-pitched whining) - What is it? - Flyer, coming fast. - Flyer, as in transport? - As in transport. - Let's get out there and attract their attention. - Wait a minute, Vila. That's the sound of civilisation. - Not necessarily. - It's got to be better than this! I wouldn't bet my life on it! (High-pitched whining fading) - They might have been friendly. - They might have come to apologise... for shooting down Scorpio, but it doesn't seem likely, does it? All right. So who do you think they were, Soolin? I've no idea, Vila. But one thing I do know, if you want to survive on this planet you have to assume that everyone is out to get you. I always assume that wherever I go. The difference is on Gauda Prime you'll be right. Sir? Are you still not awake, sir? I would be most grateful if you could try to stir yourself and listen to my report. My emergency power cells are virtually exhausted, I'm afraid. There is a flying vehicle approaching, sir. I'm sorry, but I will have to close down now. Crash damage and power loss make it impossible for me to continue. May I express the humble hope that the same is not true for you, ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Торпедоносцы на английском - текст Стукнутый на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Возмездие на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон. Собака Баскервилей. на английском - текст В порту на английском |