safe. Egrorian? Egrorian? They're here! Come and see. I still think that message was a phoney. Egrorian hasn't been heard of for 10 years. - I've never heard of him ever. - Said to have been a genius. Scientists are still trying to understand the Egrorian theory of parallel matter. What happened to him? He disappeared along with a few million credits from the Space Research Institute. So, he's a criminal. Aren't we all? Except he pulled off a big one. Which is why he's not sitting on Malodar. - It is a good hideaway. - Hideaway? If I got my hands on that kind of money, I'd have gone somewhere where I could enjoy it. What's the point in having money if you exist on a lifeless hole like that? You are forgetting, there is a big difference between you and Egrorian. - He has a brain. - Oh, yeah? If you had one it might have occurred to you this could be a Federation trap. Well, of course it's occurred to me. Why do you think I'm sending Tarrant? AVON: On the other hand the message could be genuine, in which case Egrorian may want to do a deal with us. And from a man like that, any kind of offer of a deal might be interesting. - Master? - What is it, Slave? My humble apology for interrupting your noble thoughts. Just get to the point. Some inferior person is attempting to communicate on the audio. EGRORIAN: Calling Scorpio. This is Egrorian in Malodar Command, calling Scorpio. Egrorian. Egrorian, this is Avon in the privateer Scorpio, calling Egrorian in Malodar Command. We are receiving you, Egrorian, go ahead. Thank you, Avon. I will now give you your instructions. Listen carefully. Failure to follow them to the letter will, I fear, have fatal consequences. That sounds unpleasantly like a threat. It is a threat. Like you, I have a price on my head. So having revealed my little sanctuary, I cannot allow you and your colleagues to leave. Not at any rate until we've reached an agreement. AVON: The Federation gave up looking for you a long time ago, Egrorian. You are a forgotten man. Possibly. But I have not forgotten them. Now, your instructions. EGRORIAN: I am dispatching my auto shuttle. It will dock with your ship in six minutes. You will board the shuttle alone. It will bring you to my biodome. You will carry no arms. But we don't need the shuttle. This ship is equipped with a teleport system. I'm well aware of your ship's capability, but I insist that you use the shuttle. - And if I don't agree? - You will agree, Avon. I've explained the alternative. I cannot let you go. Besides, confess that you are intrigued. Otherwise you wouldn't have traversed three star systems to be here. (Switching off communicator) He's bluffing. Possibly, but somehow I don't think so. And he's quite right. We've come rather a long way to find out what he has to offer. All right, Egrorian, I'll take the shuttle, but I never travel alone. Alone and unarmed, those are my conditions. Are you alone, Egrorian? Yes. Apart from my assistant. Then I shall bring my assistant to watch yours. That is my condition. You are in no position to make conditions, Avon. Egrorian, you sent me a message asking for this meeting. Therefore you want something from me. I believe that gives me some power. Very well. One colleague, unarmed. And remember, Avon, I designed the weapon-detection scan we have here. That means it's infallible. I'm sure it is. One other thing, Egrorian, have you also developed an infallible video-transmit? Naturally. Then switch it on. I want to be certain you are who you say you are. You are a cautious man, Avon. Well, that's a habit I'm hoping to live with. I too am cautious. The Federation monitor video signals from all parts of the galaxy. The auto shuttle is leaving now. (Communicator switching off) - Pressurise the rest of the ship. - Right. - SOOLIN: All forward sections pressurised. - All right. - Vila, let's get to the airlock. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Галактика 1980 на английском - текст Банкет на английском - текст Космические яйца на английском - текст Окраина на английском - текст Раннее лето на английском |