- Someone knew we were coming. Look, I didn't set you up. But you know more than you're saying, don't you, Keiller? - No! No! - We have to find out, you see. For the sake of our friends. For the sake of our dead friends. - Well, they cleared up the mess at any rate. - They would. Breach of security. It could be an embarrassment. They will arrange an accident, I expect, to account for the dead guards. It worked. They think those corpses were us. Well, why not? This was just a robbery that didn't come off. They have no idea who we were. Nothing was stolen. Besides, the guards that jumped us down here weren't their men anyway. Those men weren't Zerok security guards? Their uniforms were perfect, but the guns were not standard issue. - Didn't you notice? - Actually, no. Someone else is using Keiller to get to us. It's the only logical explanation. So let's check him out, him and that ship of his. We'll go out through the conveyor tunnel. It leads directly to the space port. That just leaves the problem of getting onboard the Space Princess. As long as it's still loading, that's no problem. Communications records. You check the system, I'll go over the files. Right. So how did Keiller do it? Don't touch a volume output. - If the gold is onboard, so is the security. - When I find it, I'll avoid it. - Something useful? - Guns. Something useful. Ah. - This looks more promising. - What is it? - Some sort of log. Anything over there? - I don't know yet, give me time. Ah. So, that's how Keiller did it. There's the hold. Plus gold. - Plus security. - Quite a lot of security in fact. - Avon, what's that? - Soundtrack? Seems to be. Well, let's hear it, but make sure no one else does. KEILLER: We are now passing as close as we dare to the ferocious power which is Pyrrus and which has been called the twelfth wonder of... (Beeping) A harmless electrical phenomenon known as Stardust Blizzard Fields. And the strange beauty of this ice planet can make it difficult to realise that it is one of the bleakest solid surfaces in the known galaxy. So, this ship goes directly from Zerok to Earth. - The pleasure cruise is a sham. - Like everything else on Zerok. - I'm surprised the passengers fall for it. - I imagine they have chemical help. You mean they drug the passengers? (Exclaiming) This is interesting. Keiller's record. Very impressive. His last employer was the Federation. What's he doing here on Zerok? On the President's personal staff. But which president? Avon, I think I've hit a volume output. - We'd better get out of here. - Scorpio, Scorpio. Come in, Scorpio. - VILA: Soolin! - Stand by to bring us up, Vila. - Soolin, we thought you were dead. - You sound disappointed. Are you standing by? Bring us up, Vila! - Avon! - Now, Vila! All right, all right, I'm doing my best. Look, do you all have to stare at me like that? I swear I didn't let you down. All right, I was told to contact you. - By whom? - I don't know. I don't. Really. But they play rough, I do know that. They blackmailed me, said they'd use my record against me. I've got a criminal record. - Hasn't everybody? - So this was their idea then, not yours. Some of it. Going to the mine was my idea. - What did they want? - Black gold. It seems they've got a way of laundering it back through the bank in Zerok. I can't imagine how, but they offered me a reward. You wanted more than a reward though, didn't you, Keiller? You thought with our help you could get all that gold for yourself. I dislike greedy men, Keiller. - What was the reward? - Six billion. - Quite a lot. - That's quite a lot less than 17 billion. That's what I thought. Why I decided to go my own way. Look, Avon, these people are ruthless. I daren't go back to the Space Princess alone, they'll kill me. Sounds reasonable. You've got to take me with you, Avon. Not a chance. Please. Avon, if I go out there I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ирония судьбы, или С лёгким паром! на английском - текст Табор уходит в небо на английском - текст Крокодил Гена на английском - текст Перестройка на английском - текст Аленький цветочек на английском |