me. (Alarm bleeping) COMPUTER: This is an all-sections security alert. An unidentified ship has been detected in unauthorised geo-stationary orbit. Anti-spy systems are now in operation. That didn't take them long. Here, put this on. - Vila, you ready for our guest? - Let's get on with it. Muller, what's wrong? TARRANT: Sorry, friend. VILA: Tarrant, what's keeping you? Tarrant, they've launched a flock of interceptors. We've gotta get out of here. Muller's ready. Take him up. Ready, Tarrant? Ready. No! Send it back. Back! - What the hell's the matter with you? - The box! That box! Send it back. Send it back! This box will destroy me! Don't just stand there, Vila. Get the ship moving. - The interceptors! - Send it back. That box must go back! Slave, set a course for base. Maximum power. - Go! Go! - At once, sir. Now just calm down, damn it. No. No. Must destroy. Must. (Thwacking) You slugged him a bit hard, Vila. He was trying to kill you. I would've been next. Even so, that's a pretty valuable head you hit. I didn't hit his head! I hit him sort of across the shoulders. Oh, no. Let's get him into the medicapsule. The medicapsule! He can't be that bad! I think he's dead. There's still a readout. Some electrical activity. It's falling, though. Slave, prognosis scan. Scan negative. - Repeat! - Repeat prognosis, scan negative. - He's dead, all right. - Confirmed. What now? We'll put him on ice and see what we can do back at base. I suppose we should let them know what's happened? Not we, you. I thought you'd say that. And gently. Remember who else is there. Dead? Easy, just sit down. How? After they teleported him on to the ship, he turned violent and had to be restrained. - He was never violent, never. - Here. - Never, I tell you! - Under the circumstances. What circumstances? What? Trouble getting him out. Resistance from the cartel people. A fight. Lies! They wouldn't fight! They fired interceptor missiles at the ship. I'd say that was a reasonable imitation. Drink this. What sort of people are you? Any action Vila and Tarrant were forced to make was purely defensive. Murderers! Try not to be stupid. We needed him alive! His death serves no purpose for us. - There is still some hope. - Oh? For whom? They've got Muller in a survival capsule. It's fitted with a cryogenic suspension system. Dayna is preparing our resuscitation unit now. Resuscitation? Naturally, his chances will depend upon the extent of the injury. Brain damage? Vila says the blow was not to the head. There is still a chance. I see. Assuming they get back without further trouble from the robot-development cartel. (Groaning) COMPUTER: The all-sections security alert is now over. Offship security personnel, stand down. Section three to security central. Emergency! - Uh, attacked, they've broken out. - Security central. Who is this? Technician 241. - Where's Muller? - Gone. No, wait. Report, section three. Report, section three. - Report, section three. - Muller's dead. - Dead? - At least it could be Muller. Clarify that. - The head's not there. - What? His corpse. It's got no head. - Leave it, Vila. - Why? Whatever's in there, Muller was terrified of it. So? So just be patient till we get back to base. Leave it! I hate locked boxes. And I've had enough unpleasant surprises for one trip. - Let Orac scan it first. - For? - Whatever's inside, stupid. - Like what? - Well, how about a bomb? - Not Muller's field. Computers, not bombs. Vila! Hey! Slave! What's going on? Slave? An attack? - There's no sign of pursuit craft. - Not on the detectors maybe! But... - Slave? - Course co-ordinates 152 by 005. Report on that turbulence back there. - Power surge. - Details! (Beeping) - Anything? - Yes. Power surge in drive unit two. - But how? Report! - Assessments failure. Assessments failure? We'll just have to ask Orac then, won't we? ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Торпедоносцы на английском - текст Рассказ домовладельца на английском - текст Отель "У погибшего альпиниста" на английском - текст Снегурочка на английском - текст Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель на английском |