for a guilty verdict... ...and orchestrating everything toward an appeal, a real possibility. - A guilty verdict is a real possibility? - That's why there's no bail. Running at the scene. He also refuses to divulge the name of his partners. The judge won't be lenient. I must say, for a middle-class boy, your son's values seem a bit misdirected. My grandson's not middle class and never has been. The D. A.'s anxious to strike a deal. That's a positive. The company isn't screaming for blood, which is unusual. Why aren't they? They don't want to put Adam on the cross. The bottom line is if Adam will deliver his partners and the plasmids... ...they're talking minimum jail time, maybe six months. Mind you, that's for openers. They'll go for zero jail time at the drop of a hat. - I see. - They wanna make a rat out of him. Hey, mister, he's your grandson. - I was talking to him. - I can hear it. Please. What if Adam holds out, gives no one up... ...won't say where the plasmids are? - They'll crucify him. You can't stand in front of a judge in the United States and say, "Fuck you." They won't tolerate it. What does crucify mean? When they finish adding burglary-one charges, assaulting the guards...'re looking at two 14-year sentences, consecutive... ...which the judge can do. I would appeal it since both charges stem from the same crime... ...but I wouldn't hold my breath until it's overturned. If your son, and your grandson, Mr. McMullen... ...behaves perfectly, tutors his fellow cons with remedial-reading problems... ...he could be out in 15 years, a bit shy of his 40th birthday. We need a few minutes. Come on. Fifteen years! Did you hear what she said? We take the logbook and the plasmids, and we turn ourselves in. - We take this step by step. - Fuck that! I've been through that. That means Jessie McMullen first! That's my kid in there, man. Adam can manage 48 hours in a suburban jail. Adam will not spend one more fucking hour in any fucking jail! - Didn't you hear her? Did you hear? - Keep your voice down. You are not listening to me. Listen to me! You don't fucking listen to what I say! - That's you... Hey. - What? - Adam's my grandson. - Yeah. - Would I hurt him? - I don't know. Would you, Jessie? - I'll tell you what. - What? - Hold still. - I cut myself shaving. You go visit him, and I'll settle up with this fucking shyster. No, no. I'll settle with the fucking shyster. I'll settle with that fucking... Don't you worry. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. Did you see a white Caddy here? A white Fleetwood? Yeah, some old guy just drove it out. Where do you get a taxi around here? - Not around here. - I need a fucking taxi. Get me a fucking taxi. Taxi! - How you doing? - I'm okay. - Are you sure? - Yeah. If things don't improve, Adam... ...your father will want us to turn ourselves in with the stuff. That's bullshit. It means you walk. Yeah, the lawyer gave me that 15 years in prison spiel too. She's just pumping her fee up. I won't do more than a year, tops. I can do that. You did it. Dad did it. He doesn't have the confidence in me to do it. Don't kid yourself it's gonna be easy. Somebody once told me it builds character, like a hitch in the Army. You still have the plasmids? Yeah, on ice. - And the logbook? - Yeah. Well, then Jimmy Chiu will still pay us the million bucks. We spend $ 100,000 on my defense... ...and we still get to keep $300,000 a piece. You're a McMullen. Adam McMullen. - You his lawyer? - I'm his father. One visitor a day. He's already had one. Who? Jessie McMullen. Jessie, if you're in there, open the fucking door! Is he here? - Is he here? Don't lie to me. - You're gonna foot the bill for that chain. Is he here? You're an emotional bunch, you McMullens. I didn't mean to do that. You could have asked to come in. What the hell is wrong with your family? What's wrong ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Звёздные войны: Праздничный спецвыпуск на английском - текст Поезда и Автомобили на английском - текст Достать коротышку на английском - текст Займёмся любовью на английском - текст Пустынный берег на английском |