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he was stayin'
at his house in the country.
I collected him
about 8:00 this morning.
Told Michaelis
I'd bring him back tonight.
We took the train
to Maze Hill.
Arrived, I don't know,
about 11:00.
In the park...
I primed the bomb...
and sent him off
with it.
I was fond ofhim, you know?
I was really fond of that boy.
I'm sorry.
Appalling place
you've brought me to.
Serves very well for the refugees
they send me over from the continent.
I suppose it's a question
of what you're used to.
All right. Let's get
down to business, shall we?
You see, it strikes me, Mrs. Verloc...
that you probably know more about this
bomb business than you're aware of.
What bomb business?
I don't know what you're talkin' about.
Bomb went off this morning
in Greenwich Park...
by accident, most like, since
one of the perpetrators was blown to bits.
And I have reason to
suppose that your husband...
might be able to help me
with my inquiries, that's all.
Adolf would never
get mixed up in anything like this.
I know that.
It's just information I'm after.
And you're quite sure
he hasn't spoken to you about it?
I take it you can identify this?
Your brother...
Is he in the habit
of going about labeled?
He sometimes
gets a bit confused.
So I made that label
and sewed it in for him.
He's all right.
There's nothing wrong with him.
It's just sometimes he likes to go
see his mother on his own, and l...
I like to be on the safe side.
Is he a short, stocky fellow?
He's tall and fair.
I don't understand. That label,
whatever did you tear it out for?
What do you want?
A word or two.
You'd better come upstairs, then.
Took a little while
for the penny to drop.
It was only while I was talking
with your wife just now...
that I realized you
must be the other man.
You gonna take me in?
I know who you've just been talking to.
It's his case now.
But I'm the one who traced you.
Make no mistake about that.
Take a look at that.
What's she wanna try
a dodge like that for?
Made you an offer, did he?
He says if I cooperate fully,
I'll get two years, maximum.
Promises are easy.
If I was you, I wouldn't
trust him as far as I could throw him.
I've gotta trust somebody.
What you gonna tell them?
You know me.
I'm always straight.
That's why I've been
so useful to you.
Lot of useful things
this is gonna put a stop to.
See, he was simple.
That was the trouble.
We went over it all
I don't know how many times.
It couldn't have been easier.
I was just standin'there,
Then you heard the bang.
Came too soon, you see.
That's when I knew he'd gone.
I don't know
what could have happened.
We've been able to
piece it together, more or less.
Looks like
he stumbled over a root.
You're right about him being gone.
His head and feet were still there.
The rest ofhim, they had
to scrape up with a shovel.
Couldn't you take me in tonight?
I'd come quietly.
I daresay. But by tomorrow morning,
this isn't gonna be my case anymore.
Thanks to your new friend.
Jail's the only safe place for me.
They'll all be looking for me now.
If I'm not careful, I'm liable
to end up with a knife in me back.
You want my advice? Private advice
from Private Citizen Heat?
Clear out. Vanish.
We won't chase after you.
I can see to that.
Neither will your people.
They all think you're dead already.
How do you know?
I'd say they'd make a logical assumption
that it was your guts...
spread all over Greenwich Park,
wouldn't you?
He's a good man, Mr. Verloc.
I never meant any harm
to come to the boy.
You know that.
l... I couldn't think how
I was gonna break it to ya.
I sat for hours in the Cheshire Cheese
worrying me head off.
It can't be helped, Winnie.
What's done can't be
Секретный агент Секретный агент

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