care. They're totally indifferent. All they do is mock me, just like they did the fat fellow. All the time. Mocking, mocking, mocking, mocking, mocking. All the time! Now it is Babu's turn to mock. Finally I will have some justice. Send them away! Send them all away! Lock them up forever! They are not human. They are very bad! Very, very, very bad! Hi everybody, I'm Geraldo Rivera and welcome to this special edition of Rivera Live. Well, arguments in the Good Samaritan trial ended today. The jury has been in deliberation for four and a half hours now. Let's go live to Jane Wells who is in Latham, Massachusetts covering this trial for us. Jane - Geraldo, just a few minutes ago, the jury asked to see the video tape. That's the one where they are overheard making sarcastic remarks during the robbery. Yes, it's a very incriminating piece of evidence. But I must tell you, Geraldo, this courtroom and everyone who has attended this trial is still reeling from the endless parade of witnesses who have come forth so enthusiastically to testify against these four seemingly ordinary people. One even had the feeling that if Judge Vandelay didn't finally put a stop to it, it could've gone on for months. Jane, whose testimony do you think resonated most strongly with this jury? That is so hard to say. Certainly there's the doctor with the poisoned invitations. The Bubble Boy was an extremely sympathetic and tragic figure. And that bizarre contest certainly didn't sit well with this small town jury. There's the woman they sold the defective wheelchair to, the deported Pakistani restaurateur. Geraldo, it just went on, and on, and on, into the night. And so we wait. Do they make you wear uniforms in prison? I think so. It's not that bright orange one, is it? I hope it's not that one, because I cannot wear orange. Will you stop worrying? Jackie's going to get us off. He never loses. How about when he asked that cop if a black man had ever been to his house. Did you see the look on his face? Sorry to bother you, Judge. How did you get in here? Please, if he's found guilty, please be kind to him. He's a good boy. This is highly irregular. Well, maybe there's something I can do for you. What do you mean? You know... Oh, Jackie, you're so articulate. We have plenty of time, too. This jury could be out for days. Hello? Damn. They're ready. Hey Elaine-- what was it you were about to say to me on the plane when it was going down? I've always loved U... ...nited Airlines. I think it's going to be okay - that girl just smiled at me. Maybe because she knows you're going to jail. All rise. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict? We have, Your Honor. Will the defendants please rise. And how do you find with respect to the charge of criminal indifference? We find the defendants - guilty. Order! Order in this court, I will clear this room! I do not know how or under what circumstances the four of you found each other, but your callous indifference and utter disregard for everything that is good and decent has rocked the very foundation upon which our society is built. I can think of nothing more fitting than for the four of you to spend a year removed from society so that you can contemplate the manner in which you have conducted yourselves. I know I will. This court is adjourned. You had to hop! You had to hop on the plane. Puddy-- don't wait for me. Alright. We gotta get out of here. We want to beat the traffic. Come on, Jackie. Let's go. What? Oh, and by the way, they're real, and they're spectacular. Well, it's only a year. That's not so bad. We'll be out in a year, and then we'll be back. Could be fun. Don't have to worry about your meals, or what you're going to do Saturday night. And they do shows. Yeah, we could put on a show - maybe "Bye Bye Birdie" or "My Fair Lady". Elaine, you
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