-la. You broke up with her? Why? So we could do the voice. La-la-la. What’s the matter? I think I’m getting tired of it. I mean is that all it does? Hello? La-la-la? No, it can do anything. It can be Spanish. Hola. Hello-o-o-o. I think I like the girl better than the voice. Really? Hello-o-o-o. Still? I told you. Alright, here you go, choke on it See, never bet against the backslide. I knew you two would get back together. Yeah, well not for long. I’m breaking up with him. No, I don’t think so. I’ve seen you two together. You make each other miserable. It’s kismet. Double or nothing. Done. Witness? You’re in there again. I think Play Now is putting something in my food. Alright, I’m out of here. What is this? I don’t know. I found them in your closet. Ever since Darren left I haven’t been able to find anything. He took all my clothes to some cleaners. I’m clueless. Is that clock right? Yeah. Nine o’clock. I was supposed to pick up Newman at the zoo twelve hours ago. Good-bye Kramer. Jerry, buddy, I got to tell you something. That voice is played. Really? So played. I told you. Darren? What are you doing here? The college canceled the internship. I don’t care about the internship. I care about Kramerica. Kramerica is no more. What about the oil tanker bladder system? We were going to put an end to maritime oil spills. Probably. Darren, you go home. Forget about Kramerica. Well, you’re still here? I haven’t had time to leave. Well, I haven’t changed my mind. Well, you are a tenacious little monkey. Alright, I’ll do it. Kramerica industries lives! Let’s get back to work! Let’s see what Jerry has to eat. You win George. We’ve had it. If you leave right now, Play Now will give you six months pay. That’s half of your entire contract. Please...just go. You see if I stay the whole year, I get it all. Want to play hand ball huh? Fine. Attention Play Now employees, George Costanza’s handicapped bathroom is now open on the sixteenth floor to all employees and their families. Well played. I’ll see you in hell Costanza. Clare thanks for giving me a second chance. Our relationship is certainly worth more than some silly, stupid voice. Hold on one second. So we definitely don’t want to do the voice anymore? Alright, we’re back together again, great. Bye bye. Hey. Trouble down at the plant? It’s a tank of oil. Darren and I are finally going to test out my bladder system. You have to drink that whole thing? No. No. No. It’s for oil tankers. All I need to do is fill some sort of rubber container with oil and then drop it to see whether or not it can restrain the impact. I understand Would a giant rubber ball work? Conceivably. Well, Play Now has all kinds of different rubber balls. Why don’t we test your bladder system at my office? You’re not... Oh, yes I am. Mr. Thomassoulo likes to play dirty. Well, there’s nothing dirtier than a giant ball of oil. Hey, you want to split a root beer I don’t think so David, we’re through. Oh...That’s a nice sweater Whew that was a dozy. Go again? Book it. Witness. David I know this hurts, but it’s the way it has to be Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha. I’m going to get some popcorn. So, how did it end? They got away. uh. Listen David, I’ve got to run. Can you lend me fifty bucks? Hey. Did you bring the video camera? Yeah, I put a six hour tape in. That should cover the experiment, the arrest,and most of your trial. Alright, I’ll see ya. Oh, you might want to stick around Jerry. Mr. Thomassoulo picked the wrong man to hire because he was fake handicapped. I can’t. I got to meet Clare. You gave up the voice? Yeah, I thought it was stupid. Unless you guys are liking it again. No. No Darren? Sorry Mr. Seinfeld. Uh, bathroom. Hey, use mine. I’ll let you in. I thought it was open to the public. I uh, took care of that. Wow! Zanadu . No wonder you’re putting in so many
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