Puddy’s. I should call him. I need those gloves. No, I better not. I’ll call. Oh, look at that! There are the gloves. I was just about to call. There they are. That’s funny. That’s really funny. That’s really really funny. You know who loves funny stories, David Puddy. Well, Play Now is through playing. They turned the heat way up in my office. They tried to sweat me out. Do you have to write all this stuff down. Well, Mr. Kramer is in a meeting with Mr. Lohmase and he didn’t want to miss anything. So, how hot did it get? I don’t know, 120, 130... Then they sent some guys to sandblast for 6 hours. Tomorrow they are putting in asbestos. I guess you can take anything, but actual work. Bring it on! Hello-o-o-o Kramer! Wel-l-l-c-o-m-e! Sorry I couldn’t get out of there, what did I miss? Well, after ordering, Mr. Seinfeld and Mr. Costanza debated on whether or not iron man wore some sort under garment between his skin and his iron suit... Uh huh... And I still say he’s naked under there! Oh that makes a lot of sense. Oh, shut up! ...Then Mr. Seinfeld went to the restroom, at which point Mr. Costanza scooped ice out of Mr. Seinfeld’s drink with his bare hands using it to wash up then Mr. Costanza remarked to me, "This never happened." What’s so funny? Oh, nothing. What are you laughing about? Tell me. Oh all right, this is really dumb, really stupid. We’ve been doing this silly, dumb voice. So is it fun humiliating me? No, it’s not you. It’s your stomach, he’s taking with this funny, booming, jovial voice. Hello-o-o-o. So you think I’m fat? No it’s... Mr. Kramer says, "hey buddy!" Hey, we’re kind of in the middle of something here. Would you mind coming back later? Oh yeah sure, sure. Should we set something up now? GET OUT! I’m leaving too. No body said you’re fat. He’s a loving character, like the Kool-ade guy. He is fat! No, he’s just a little bloated. Good-bye! It’s mostly water weight. Boysenberry, the kid is still learning. Mr. Kramer...Dean, my internship is on line two, she wants to set up a meeting. Yeah, well nothing before noon. Line two? Yeah, your phone is line one. Oh... So the gloves were right by the phone. That is pretty funny. See, this is what Jerry’s doesn’t understand. We can see each other. We can see each other every day, but it doesn’t mean we are back together. I mean I love just seeing you and having sex Not having to do all that... you know...work. Well, either way... All that calling you, and buying you stuff... David... Caring about how everyone at work isn’t as smart as you. It’s brutal. Alright that’s it! We’re back together! Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Look Elaine, be reasonable. Get those clothes off. You’re going to spend the night and we’re going to cuddle. What? You heard me. Strip! Alright......OK.... Hello Margery, George Costanza. How are you sweet heart? Listen, can you give Mr. Thomassoulo a message for me? ... Yes. If he needs me, tell him I’M IN MY OFFICE! Thanks. Dean Jones, you wanting to talk to me? I’ve been reviewing Darren’s internship journal. Doing laundry... ...Yeah. ...Mending chicken wire, hi-tea with a Mr. Newman. I know it sounds pretty glamorous, but it’s business as usual at Kramerica. As far as I can tell your entire enterprise is more than a solitary man with a messy apartment which may or may not contain a chicken. And with Darren’s help, we’ll get that chicken. I’m sorry, but we can’t allow Darren to continue working with you. Well, I have to say this seems capricious and arbitrary. You fly is open. So you’re sure you’re not still angry about last night? No, I’m fine. Just as long as you don’t ever do that voice again. Never? Never. What about if you’re not around? No! So I have to choose between seeing you and doing the voice? That’s right. I can do that. So what’s your decision? I don’t know. Jerry...HI. Hello-o-o-o. La-la
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