later. Hello-o-o-o! La la la. La la la. Look at this, they are redoing the Cloud Club. Oh, that restaurant on top of the Chrysler building? Yeah, that’s a good idea. Of course it’s a good idea, it’s my idea. I conceived this whole project two years ago. Which part? The renovating the restaurant you don’t own part or spending the two hundred million you don’t have part? You see I come up with these things, I know they’re gold, but nothing happens. You know why? No resources, no skill, no talent, no ability, no brains. No, no...time! It’s all this meaningless time. Laundry, grocery, shopping, coming in here talking to you. Do you have any idea how much time I waste in this apartment? I can ball park it. Hello-o-o-o! Here we go; now she comes in. Now my whole day is shot! Hey, I called you last night, where were you? I went out with a friend. George? No, Well, I was here, that’s everyone Are those the same shoes as yesterday? Oh, you know I wear these shoes all the time. Your hair, it’s somewhat de-poofed. It’s the new look. You know Heroin Cheek? Wait a second, what’s going on here? Nothing, nothing. You’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday!!! You saw Puddy! Hoochie moochie. Hand it over. Pay up. No! It’s an isolated, sexual incident. We are not back together! Then what do you call it? People don’t just bump into each other and have sex. This isn’t cinemax. It was no big deal OK? I mean we fooled around, then we went out and grabbed a little dinner. Ah, dinner! That’s it, you’re all the way back! Sex, that’s meaningless, I can understand that, but dinner; that’s heavy. That’s like an hour. Man, 2.9 percent financing on a Toyota Onedun . That was my idea too! Good Morning! Go to hell! Hi Allison, that’s a nice dress Don’t even look at me. Hey Glenn! Hey, go tell hell! Heard that one already. ...So that’s the bedroom. Here’s the bathroom. If you need to, you can familiarize yourself with the kitchen... Yeah, go ahead and look through some of the drawers. And you are? Oh, hey, I’m Darren. I’m new here Yeah, that’s Jerry, you don’t have to worry about him. Why don’t you go across the hall and get started on that mail. Right! He’s a go getter! Who’s he? My intern from NYU. Well, you remember my corporation, Kramerica Industries. Alright. Well, apparently NYU is very enthusiastic about their students getting some real world corporate experience. But you only provide fantasy world corporate experience. Well, this will really free up my time so I can focus on more important things, like my bladder system. Alright, it’s time to go. Jerry, it’s not for people, it’s for oil tankers. I know! You see the idea is for a rubber ball inside the tanker so if it crashes, the oil won’t spill out. Actually, that is not a bad idea. yeah! Now, it’s time to go. Hello Hello-o-o-o. Seize montality, Jerry. They really want me out of here. They’ve downgraded me to some sort of a bunker. I’m like Hitler’s last days here. So, are you going to leave? Oh no! I’m vigilant. They’ll never get me out. I’m like a weed, Jerry. I thought you’re like Hitler in the bunker? I’m a weed in Hitler’s bunker. I’m getting a little uncomfortable with the Hitler stuff. I’m getting another call, see ya... Hello! Hi, this is Darren from Kramer’s office. Mr. Kramer would like to schedule a lunch with you at Monk’s coffee shop. Really? When? In 10 minutes. Do you need directions? No, I don’t. Well, I’ll call back in 5 minutes to confirm. Yeah, 5. Hey! Hey! So, where’s my money? No money, I am Puddy free. So, are we eating or what? Oh yeah, hold on. Hello Darren, this is Jerry from Jerry’s office. We’re going to be three for lunch. Hey, Elaine is going to come with us, alright? What? When did this happen? Well, just... DARREN! I am not calling Puddy. What did I do with my gloves? Oh, I bet I left them over at
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