Like who? Like that guy who yelled out. He had cancer! And laughter is the best medicine. Ladies and gentlemen, Kenny Bania! Hey, Jerry, he could have used your laugh. He was a big turkey out there. Turkey? A big fat turkey. I'm sorry I missed that. He worked so hard and then he just-- What is this, oregano? Look at me! I'm all covered in oregano and Parmesan, and it's sticking to me because of the butter! Look at me! Here. Hold this. What is this, parsley? Ah, the sweet stench of failure. Get off of me, get off of me! Now I got you! George? Your legs! Are you a religious man, sir? no. Eat hickory!! Hey Jerry, didja see it? Ouch. Kenny! There you are. Jay Shermak and Stu Crespi from NBC. Listen, Kenny. Really funny out there. What? That thing you did having the two guys running through? I love stuff you don't have to think too much about Give us a call. We want to be in the Kenny Bania business. By the way, Jerry? The suspenders? A little hacky. How about that Jerry? First you had a pilot on NBC and now I'll have one. Looks like I'm following you again. Oh, I'm gonna puke. Puke? That's a funny word. Can I use that? David, this has been the worst month of my life and if I never see you again it'll be too soon. Ditto. Oh that's origi- Shut up. 86th and Broadway please. I'm sorry lady, there's a cab shortage. The Transit Police are making everybody share. Oh no. Hello! Oh no. I'm sorry. Noooooooooooo!George, you’re not really handicapped, are you? I’ve had my difficulties. I saw you running down Amsterdam Avenue lifting that 200 pound motorized cart with one hand. Mr. Thomassoulo during times of great stress, people are capable of super human strength. Have you ever seen the Incredible Hulk, sir? - No. How about the old Spider Man live action show? George, I’ve realized we’ve signed a one-year contract with you, but at this point I think it’s best that we both go our separate ways. I don’t understand. We don’t like you. We want you to leave. Clearer So you’re staying at Play Now? Why not? Pay is good. I got dental, private access to one of the great handicapped toilets in the city. But they not you aren’t handicapped, aren’t you ashamed? They’re the ones who should be ashamed. They signed me to a one-year contract. As long as I show up for work every day, they have to pay me. Hey Hello-o-o-o! Hello-o-o-o Elaine! What’s that? Oh, it’s just this stupid thing. Well, I’m sure it’s stupid. It’s not about me, is it? No-o-o-o. Not at all. Tell me! All right. You know this girl Clare I am seeing? Yeah. Well, he and I starting joking that when she falls asleep her stomach stays awake all night and talks to me. - How is it talking? Well, her belly button is like a mouth. "I’m bored. Talk to me." Oh, I gotta start taking these "stupid" warnings more seriously. Hey, look whose here - Puddy. My Puddy? But we broke up. And yet he continues to live. Hey Benes, How are you? I’m doing great. Great. See ya. Well, that’s it. You two are back together. What? The bump into. The bump into always leads to the backslide. David and I will not be getting back together. Elaine, breaking up is like knocking over a coke machine. You can’t do it in one push, you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over. That’s beautiful. What about you? ou were even engaged, and you cut it off just like that. That’s different. I didn’t have feelings for those people. But you, you’ll backslide You want to bet? Stakes? All right. Witness? Witness. Done. Percentage? No. So I’ll call you tonight? Yeah. What’s wrong with the belt? I went to the movies last night, I went to the bathroom and I unbuckled a little wobbly wobbly and the buckle kind of banged against the side of the urinal. So...that’s it! So, you’re insane? Oh yes, quite. Hello! Of course it’s a sliding scale. Catch you
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