- That's what he said. I don't believe this woman. - Talk to me, Babe. She's this crazy woman who is convinced that my germs make her sick. - Oh, germ-o-phobe. I know what that's about. I'm a recovering germ-o-phobe. Ten years. What is this symbol? - It's a germ. Elaine, it was very nice of you to bring the man you're currently sleeping with over to talk to me, but I assure you, I don't have any problem with germs. Don't you? Elaine. - Please! I know it looks bleak. I've been there. Ten years ago waking up in bed next to a woman like this would've sent me running for the Phisohex. Really? I still have trouble looking at those disgusting old bedroom slippers she slogs around in. Hey, I've had those since college. They're bunnies. - They're bacteria traps. So you... just learned to live with it? - For the most part. OK, we're broken up for the rest of the day. So I'm glad we had a talk and worked this out. Don't you feel this is better? This is nice. - Yes, clothes. This is normal. Hey, what are you doing tomorrow? I was thinking that we could go down... Jerry? Jerry, are you listening to me? Oh... yeah. What? I'm sorry. I wanted to know what you're doing tomorrow. Oh, maybe a haircut, and, I don't know, maybe a... So you broke up? - We couldn't carry on a conversation. I kept trying to picture her naked, she kept trying to not picture me naked. Hang on. So what are you up to? Oh, just cooking up a little thank you for Puddy. Hey, how do you make those radish roses? Insert a knife into the center and twist. Then, to make it bloom, soak it in water for thirty to forty minutes. No problem there. George. Thanks for coming down to talk to me. I wanted to see you right away, but my hours here aren't very flexible. I just started yesterday. Well, I'm here. What is it? Well, I talked to my sponsor, and, uh, I've thought it over, and, you know, my apology at the coffee shop was sarcastic, and rude, and you deserve much better. Well, thank you. - You're welcome. Can I get a Triple Minute Man Mint? - Waffle or sugar cone? Uh, excuse me, uh, um, Jason. I don't want to get into a big thing here, but... I'm not sure if, technically, what you just said was actually an apology. - What? Can you get on that cone? Would you hang on just a second, son? about? George, what are you talking. Well, it's just, all you said was 'your welcome', which is nice. It's very nice. But... I feel I gotta get the apology. Is there anybody else here but you? I'm alone, and it's my second day. You know, I don't even think we have that flavor so... George, really, enough, ok? You know, I-I admitted I was wrong, so what more do you want from me? I would like an apology. - All right, look, you know-- Did you try it? No, this guy doesn't know what he's doing. - Oh, yes I do. Yes, I do. OK? I'm interacting with someone here, if you can understand that. Now, I'm sorry. Baah! There it is! You just said it! That's what I want! Now say it again, and tell it to me. I'm not saying anything to you. I'm not sorry. I was never sorry. It was cashmere. I hate Step Nine! Where's that Rum Raisin? Where is it? Can't find anything. I need a drink. Ah, daquiri ice. Here we go. What are you looking at? Get out! Come on, can't you see we're closed?! Get out! Mmm. This food is fantastic, And what a pretty radish rose, huh? Well, thank you. - Here's to Peggy, on her first week of being germ-free, free. Yeah. And here's to David Puddy for helping me install a much needed and much appreciated garbage disposal in my bathtub. You have a garbage disposal in your bathtub? Oh, yeah, and I use it all the time. I made this whole meal in there. This food was in the shower with you? - Mm-hmm. I prepared it as I bathed. Oh, germs. Germs. Germs! Excuse me. Is this, uh, Rage-aholics? - No, germ-o-phobes. Thanks. What are you guys doin' here? - Kramer.
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