first cleaning one area, then another. Well, that's how cats do it. But, when you have a faucet instead of a tongue, you want to use gravity. OK. Let's turn the water on now. No, I told you, it's just a dry run. Well, Hanke's moved on to Step Ten. He was spotted taking personal inventory. That's Step Ten? - All he has to do now is count his blessings, say a prayer, and he's done. Do you believe this? Come on, Jerry. How about a-a baggy swimsuit? You're not gettin' any skin, Kramer. Well, this has all been one big tease! These proofs look pretty good. Oh. Can I move this? Yup. I think this will work. I'm... gonna get another bottle of water. Here, take mine. There's a little left. Guys, there's no doubt that the pay is good. But I don't just know if I see myself working with ice cream. You get pretty buff forearms. - I don't know if I'm into that. Oh, hello, Hanke, others. You know, Jason, I, uh, I couldn't help notice, I... I didn't get my apology. Apology? For what? - A drafty apartment? A... sweaterless friend? A ball-game giveaway Metlife windbreaker? George, come on, not that neck hole thing. - Yeah, the neck hole thing, and I would appreciate it if you would say you're sorry. No way, you would've completely stretched it out. You're an alcoholic! You have to apologize. Step Nine! Step Nine. All right, George, all right. I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry. I'm so sorry that I didn't want your rather bulbous head struggling to find its way through the normal-size neck hole of my finely knit sweater. Now see, that's smart. Constant motion. Wow. Oh, yeah, yeah, I-I'm watching you, too. But this guy's really showing me something! You got a steak? - What happened to you? Ah, people in this city are crazy. - Here ya go. Thanks, buddy. Oh... yes! Hey, you got any A1, 'cause I'm cooking a steak. What? - Yeah, a different one. OK, Jerry. I fixed that bike. Oh. That wasn't really necessary. I don't ride it. It's just for show. I should really clean those bearings. Hold this. Look at all that gunk. Please don't crouch. - Ouch! Caught my skin. Oh, that's bad. Especially that area. You got anything to snack on? - Oh, pickles! Unnhhhh! It's a tough one. Look, please stop! Let me help you with that! Unnnnh! Oooh. That's gonna leave a welt. Look at that. I can't. I can't look anymore. I-I-I've seen too much. Peggy, we've got to talk. What is it about me that you find so offensive? You seem to be with a lot of men. - What!? I happen to have a very steady boyfriend. You know, I mean, we broke up a few times and there has been an occasional guy here or... or there, but, wh-why is this your business? It's not. Good day. Oh. All right. You think I've got germs? I'll give you some germs. How about some for your keyboard, huh? Huh? Oooh, how about for your stapler. Hmmm? That's good, isn't it? You have a happy and a healthy. Well, technically he did apologize. Jerry, I felt like a straight man in some horrible sketch. He was riffing! Riffing! On my pain! So now you want an apology for the apology, plus the original apology? That's right. I'm two in the hole! Well, I hit the wall yesterday with Lady Godiva. She did a full body flex on a pickle jar. Did you explain to her about the good naked and the bad naked? Where am I gonna get a fat guy and a cannonball? Well... what if you showed up bad naked, huh? You still got that belt sander? Well, you on all fours, that thingvibratin', kickin' up sawdust, ho ho! She'll get the picture! Hello? - Hey, Jerry, guess where I'm calling from! World War I plane? - No, I'm in my shower. Well, you know, I'm trying to get out of the shower sooner, and then I ask myself, 'Why?' I mean this is where I want to be. So I got a waterproof phone, I shaved, I brushed my teeth, and now I ordered a pair of chinos from J. Crew. When are ya gettin' out? - I'm not! I'll see ya later,
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