apologize for standing me up five years ago. - Why now? A.A. It's one of the Twelve Steps. Step number Nine is you have to apologize to anyone you've ever wronged. Ho ho ho ho! I can't wait for Hanke to come crawling back to me. Still with the neck hole? - Still upset. Very upset. What neck hole? Remember that New Year's party he threw a few years ago? He had that very drafty apartment, you know, I think on Ninth Avenue. Faster. I asked if I could borrow a sweater. A cashmere sweater. - I said preferably cashmere, , for warmth. So in front of the whole party, he says, 'No. I don't want you stretching out the neck hole.' Oh, yeah, sure, laugh it up. Everybody else did! Well, it's funny. I mean, you have a big head. Or is it 'cause of your neck? No, I think the head does most of the stretching. Regardless. I had to walk around for the rest of the party in some cheap Metlife windbreaker. Now, it is payback time. I really think it's the size of your neck. - It's my head! Isn't this great? With those nerds in accounting moved, you and I are the only ones who use this bathroom. Yeah. Great. You went to the coffee shop without me? I told ya, I just wanted to hop in the shower. That was an hour ago. What were you doing in there? - Showering. How long does it take you? - Ten minutes. Ten minutes? That's kooky talk. Hey Elaine, how long do you spend in the shower? Ten minutes. - Let me smell you. - All right. Whiff away. Uh... that's not bad at all. - Hup! That's it. So get this. I'm in the bathroom at work today, and I see Peggy using a seat protector. So? - So... we're the only women on the floor. I mean, we're like roommates. Would-would you use a seat protector if you had a roommate? I think the damage is probably already done. All right! I'll get that. Well, maybe she just practices good hygiene. Yeah, you're probably right. She's probably one of those neurotic clean freaks. Well, here's my shower routine. Maybe I can make some changes. Get wash cloth mittens and maybe some liquid soap, and just... -pop- focus! Zephyr? That is not a word. Do you challenge? - No, I do not challenge. 66 points. Ha ha. I'd accuse you of cheating, but I don't know where you'd hide the tiles. You want some more ice tea? - Sure. Wrong pipe. So she coughed. - Coughing... naked... It's a turn-off, man. Everything goes with naked. When you cough, there are thousands of unseen muscles that suddenly spring into action. It's like watching that fat guy catch a cannonball in his stomach in slow motion. Oh, you spoiled, spoiled man. Do you now how much mental energy I expend just trying to picture women naked? But the thing you don't realize is that there's good naked and bad naked. Naked hair brushing, good; naked crouching, bad. Hey, there's Hanke. All right. It's grovel time. - Hey, George. Jerry. Listen, I just got sober, so I've been going through the Twelve Steps. What are you up to now, uh, Step Nine? Yeah. Making amends. - Important step. Maybe the most important. Anyway, uh, Jerry, you know, this may sound dumb, but, you know, when we first met I thought your name was Gary. And, I think I may even have called you Gary a couple of times, and... I don't know if you noticed, but I always felt bad about it, so, I'm sorry. Thank you. I did notice, and I appreciate you rectifying it. Great. Great. Well, I'll see you guys later. Well, I just got out of a 27-minute shower. I made some good cuts, and I didn't lose anything I needed. Yeah, I think what I kept is even stronger now. You got some suds over here. Wha...? Oh, man! Geez! Look at that! I'm all lathery. Jerry, you got to show me what I'm doing wrong. Oh, come on! - No, I mean it, man. I'm lost! You promise you'll never come in here again? Oh, Jerry, you know I can't do that. Now my sense of it is that you're probably wasting time working piecemeal,
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском - текст Легенда о пианисте на английском - текст Поцелуй бабочки на английском - текст Человек-дьявол на английском - текст Вор на английском |