think he may have been a comedian I worked with one time. Wait a minute, what is this? Nobody beats me, because I'm the Wiz! I'm the Wiz! That is the guy! Elaine's in love with the Wiz guy? No, she thinks she's in love with him. But she's just remembering this old commercial. That's pretty pathetic. I know. They're not even related. I'm gonna get going. Hey, have fun at the... family reunion. So, what do you know about this Jack fellow? Isn't he the best? Yeah, nobody beats him. What kind of work does he do? Oh, right now he's a fact checker for New York Magazine. It's not much, but it has a certain type of quiet dignity. Right, quiet dignity. As opposed to, say, this? Nobody beats me, because I'm the Wiz! I'm the Wiz! Oh no! Hello? Yeah, the van is still for sale. Sure, come on buy. Yeah, I called about the van. Some more merlot? Yeah, thanks. Sure. You know, Rhisa. I've always found you... very attractive. What? I know it may sound shocking. But, I just can't stop myself from... wanting you. You want to borrow money, right? No, no. I-I just want us to be... together. All right. All right? Let's go for it. Well... we could dance around it a little first. Nah. Let's be bad, George. Let's be really... bad. So, how come you're selling it? You know why I'm selling it. I hate it. How many miles? Two. City or highway? Look, do you really want to buy this thing, or what? Hey, hey. Take it easy. I'm not gonna be pressured. I'll walk away right now. Is this thing bent? I'm not paying for that. All right, just get out of here. All right, look. I'm going to be honest. I'm very interested in the van. OK, fine. "What do I have to do to put you in this van today?" Well, I don't really have any money. But it says right here, "interesting trades considered". You put that in! And I'm glad I did. Here. You want to trade me an undershirt? No, I want to trade you screen legend Anthony Quinn's undershirt. He took this off to do sit-ups in the park and I nabbed it. That's disgusting. Well, it's my final offer. You dumped me for some idiotic TV pitchman. Look, I'm sorry, Puddy. It-it was a mistake. So, let's just put it behind us, and we can continue like this never happened. Gee, I don't know. What if we're out somewhere and you see the Maytag repairman. You're not taking me back? That's right. He's not idiotic. He's the Wiz. And nobody beats him. Nobody... Here you go. Mail is evil. Pass it on. Hey, mail blows. Fax it to a friend. Why does this dummy have a bucket on its head? Because we're blind to their tyranny. Then shouldn't you be wearing the bucket? Yeah. Move along, Betty. Is this, uh, Jerry Seinfeld's van? Well, not anymore. He traded it to me for some Hollywood memorabilia. I'm, uh, I'm so stupid. What? I'm so stupid. Uh, excuse me. I'm sorry. Yeah, nice to meet you. She's into it? She's leaving me dirty messages on my answering machine. So have your parents found out about it? She wants to keep it quiet. She wants to keep it quiet. She... thinks we have a real future together. Brave new world, alright. Hey, you guys. Hey, how's the anti-mail campaign going? Oh, it's fantastic. We were out in front of the post office today, and not one person went in. It's Sunday. Why is the mailman wearing a bucket? Huh? Well, it symbolizes our persecution. Then... shouldn't you be wearing the bucket. Hey, I want my van keys back. Oh, well. I, uh, thought we made a deal for Quinn's t-shirt. Are you insane? Give 'em to me. No, I can't, I can't. See, I told Frank he could borrow it. Yeah, he wants to move some of George's stuff into storage. Wait a minute? He's picking up the van tonight? This is perfect. I'll drive Rhisa to someplace romantic. Then when my father slides the door open, I'm in the van kissing his brother's daughter. Oh, listen, Jerry. One of your friends came by and he was very upset that I had
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