Well, for the first quarter mile they thought that I was just doggin' it. Hi George. Hi Jimmy. Yeah, Jimmy why don't you wait outside, you know, play with something. Ouch! What's the kid doing here? I'm baby-sitting! Vivian asked me to raise him if she doesn't make it. Oh, that's a drag... That kid... You put blood in the car?! Jerry, it was overheating. You should take better care of that thing. Well, they told me that I got more blood, so I guess I owe you again. You didn't get the blood from me. - Then who? Hello Jerry. - Aaaaahhh...!!! Aaaahhh...!!!Yeah. Yeah. All right. Uh-huh. Chinese food! Oh! There's my Chinese food, I gotta run. All you. Who was it? I did a show for a car dealership and they're getting me a new SAAB. What about your old car? They couldn't get Kramer's blood out of it? No, the engine clotted. You know who set this whole thing up for me? Frank Merman. Fragile Frankie Merman? I never liked that guy. Why? He's harmless. Every summer you guys went to camp together. I was jealous. Felt like he was the summer me. He was not the summer you. Besides, you had a summer me. Whitey Fisk, the guy who snuck you into Last Tango in Paris. I made him up. So you never saw Last Tango in Paris? No. Too bad. It was erotic. Well... I've had it with these jackbooted thugs! "Pottery Barn"? I got three "Pottery Barn" catalogs in one day. That makes eight this month. Mira Sorvino. Think she'd go out with me? Why don't you just throw 'em out? Oh, no. I've been saving them up here in your apartment. And now, it's payback time. "Pottery Barn" is in for a world of hurt. Can I have one? I need one of those old-looking phones. So you wanna grab a bite? I can't. I gotta make the weekly call to the folks. So call now. I gotta prep. I need a couple of anecdotes, a few you-were-right-abouts. It's a whole procedure Wasn't Fragile Frankie the one that used to run into the woods every time he got upset? That's him. Is he still nuts? What do you think? They gave me a new car for thirty minutes of "So, who's from out of town?" Seriously, is this the best okra you've ever had, or what? Mmm. De-lish. Delish? Delish. You know, short for delicious. Oh, like scrump. Yeah. I'm gonna be late. See ya later. Excuse me, can I borrow your ketchup? Oh, sure. Hello? Hey, it's Georgie. Let me put your father on the phone. Ma! Who is this? Dad, it's me. Hey, listen, I was at Fortunoff's the other day, and, you know what, you were right. Chinese food. Sorry, George, our Chinese food just came. Talk to you later. Chinese food? Hey, you like sending out catalogs!? How do you like gettin' 'em back!? So, maybe they had Chinese food? After dark? Please. At their age, that's like swallowing stun grenades. Well, there's one way to check. Where there's Chinese food, there's leftovers. Well, gentlemen. Lainie is... in love. That's dynamite. Yeah, I'll look for the Chinese food leftovers. I met this guy! And it was like this, totally unreal, fairy tale moment. It wasn't Whitey Fisk, was it? Oh, George's friend. Whatever happened to him? Nothing. Uh, I don't know. I gotta go. So, this is beautiful. You, and Puddy, and this new guy, in a big pot of love stew. Oh, yeah... Puddy. Well, I won't fire him until I see if this new guy can... handle the workload. Will you look at this? More catalogs! "Omaha Steaks", "Mac Warehouse", "Newsweek"?! I can't stop all these companies, so, I'm gonna attack this problem at the choke point. Stop the mail? That's... even better! So, where's the car? This is it. Inside the van? It is the van! Don't you remember, we always talked about how cool it would be to have a van and just drive? We were ten. Come on. Let's take it for a spin. I don't want a van. Well, just tell him you want the SAAB. You don't understand. This is Fragile Frankie Merman. When we were incamp, if you upset him, he'd run out
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