Grade A's. Are you all right? Oh, no. I'm fine. Serenity now. Serenity now. Serenity now. So, you're using Frank's relaxation method? Jerry, the anger, it just melts right off. Serenity now. Look at this. Serenity now! Hey, what happened to you? Serenity! Well. You are not gonna believe this. Now Lippman is renounced. This shiksa thing is *totally* out of control. What is *with* you people? What are you looking at? Sit down, Elaine. Oh, no. Jerry, I can't take any more gentle sobbing. I've been thinking about what it means to be complete. Do you have an apple or anything? Look at us, hurtling through space on this big, blue marble. Or a nectarine? I would absolutely love a nectarine. Looking everywhere for some kind of meaning... Why am I in such a fruit mood? Ahh, banana! When all the while, the real secret to happiness has been right in front of us! What? Elaine... Jerry, I've found a way to beat Lloyd Braun! I buy the computers myself, I store 'em in your apartment. Then, after I win the contest, I bring 'em all back and get my money back. Ha ha! It's brilliant. What? What's wrong with your leg? I'm asking Elaine to marry me. I'll store these over at Kramer's apartment. Elaine? Uhh, Jerry, I've got a lot goin' on with, uh, Lippman right now. Lippman? Yeah, and him too. What?! Oh, yeah! I think George is calling me, so I'm gonna go give him a hand Come on! Come on! Can I help you? No. Stay! Stay. Stay. Hey, Braun, Costanza's kicking your butt! Watch how it's done. Oh, hello, Mr. Vandelay? Would you like to buy a computer? Oh, really? Two dozen? Costanza, you're white hot! If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and-- Hey, Braun, I got good news and bad news. And they're both the same: you're fired. Costanza, you've won the water pik! You're not gonna give away that water pik! You wanna bet? Serenity now, serenity now! You know, you should tell your dad that 'serenity now' thing doesn't work. It just bottles up the anger, and eventually, you blow. What do you know? You were in the nut house. What do you think put me there? I heard they found a family in your freezer Serenity now. Insanity later. What happened here, Kramer? Serenity now, serenity now... Kramer! Geez! Jerry, I didn't here you come in. Yeah, the children, they've done sum redecorating. Serenity now, serenity now. You don't look well. Well, that's odd, 'cause I feel perfectly at peace with the world- uh! eggs! you! Serenity now, serenity now, serenity now. Oh, I'm sorry. Look at me, I stepped on your last rose. Jerry, come on. Don't get upset about it.There's always next spring. Now will you excuse me for a moment. Serenity nooooooooww! Jerry! I did it! Haha! I beat Braun! Serenity now! Come on, wanna give me a hand with the computers? Serenity nooooowwwww! Why couldn't you squeeze one of those stupid rubber balls to get your stress out? Why did you have to destroy *twenty-five* computers? George, you listen to me. I owe ya one. He's incorrigible. You want to talk about it? Oh, please don't tell me you love me again, Jerry, I can't handle it. George, letting my emotions out was the best thing I've ever done. Sure I'm not funny anymore, but there's more to life than making shallow, fairly-obvious observations. How about you? All right... here goes... Rabbi, is there anything I can do to combat this Shiks-appeal? Ha! Elaine, shiks-appeal is a myth, like the Yeti, or his North American cousin, the Sasquatch. Well, something's goin' on here, 'cause every able-bodied Israelite in the county is driving pretty strong to the hoop. Elaine, there's much you don't understand about the Jewish religion. For example, did you know that rabbis are allowed to date? Well, what does that have to do...? You know, a member of my congregation has a timeshare in Myrtle Beach. Perhaps, if you're not too busy, we could wing on down after
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