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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Садко


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come up!
Buy our goods,
brought from far-away lands!
Come up and buy!
- There's a bird of happiness here.
- Where is it?
In that palace over there,
their Prince keeps it
in a golden tower,
behind seven walls.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
A thousand soldiers guard the palace.
We'll just lose our lives for nothing.
I'll just take a look at it.
Don't be in a hurry, Sadko.
We must use cunning here.
Their prince treasures fine steeds
above all else.
What if we...
Smart lad, Trifon!
- Who are they?
- Who are you?
We are free merchants from Novgorod.
We trade in delicious honeys
and rich sables.
We bow to you, fair Prince.
- Is that your steed?
- Yes, it is.
How much do you want for it?
It is not for sale,
I'm saving it for myself.
How dare you to deny me?
Don't be angry, I cannot sell it.
But if you wish, I might trade it.
Trade it? That suits me well.
What do you want for it?
We heard
you have the Phoenix bird.
We would like having it in Novgorod.
Give me the bird, I'll give you
the steed.
Impudent fool!
My bird is a miracle, and you want
it in exchange for a steed.
I'll order my elephants to trample
you to death, and take your steed.
You can't do that!
You can't , because it's a magic steed.
Whoever takes it by force
dies a terrible death.
Just look at him!
Then let's do it this way.
Let's play a game of chess.
If you win, the bird is yours.
You lose, the horse is mine.
Good, let's play.
Give up the bishop!
I've won! The steed is mine!
You have lost, fair Prince!
All right.
You have won my treasure.
But watch out,
see you don't lose your life.
That is my concern.
Pay up, Prince.
Well, let's go.
Go in!
- How shall we get back?
- We'll manage.
Who thinks of turning back
when seeking happiness?
- Maybe we'll go back?
- No.
Rest yourselves on the rugs,
seekers of happiness.
You're on the threshold
of the land of blissful calm.
You have spent long years in pursuit
of happiness,
reaching your eager hands for it,
and, like many before you,
found nothing but a void.
Naked and homeless is man upon
the earth.
And thus it will be forever and ever.
Woe to him who tries
to grasp happiness by action.
Happiness is calm,
Listen to me, look at me
until tears
veil your eyes.
And fall into eternal slumber.
What is the wicked world
and other people to you?
Pity no one,
weep for no one.
And I, the Phoenix,
will lull you with my sweet songs.
Sleep, sleep.
The calm bliss. The calm bliss.
Those songs won't do for us!
Foolish bird, come out
and look at the world around you!
Can your songs feed
your starving people?
No, this is not
the happiness we seek!
Let's go, brothers!
- What shall we do with the bird?
- Tuck it in under your coat.
We'll take it to Novgorod and let
our people wonder at that miracle.
Why not?
The cockle is hissing.
Cursed vermin!
They must be asleep by now.
Go and bring me their heads.
- Look at him!
- He got scared.
The prince does not like to lose.
- He might want to win it back.
- Let him try.
- What do we do now?
- Wait.
If we're happy enough...
You say, happy?
Come on, sing them your song
of happiness, wise bird!
- Sing, I'm asking you nicely.
- Sing!
Do as you're told!
Drop on to your knees,
brave warriors,
and fall into a deep sleep.
And I, the Phoenix, will lull you
with my sweet songs.
The calm bliss... calm bliss...
Calm bliss...
Calm bliss...
Sleep... sleep...
Sleep... sleep...
Oh, heavy is my heart,
Yearning for my dear father and mother.
The road has taken me far from home,
And there's no turning off it.
Where, oh, where lies the way
To my dear native land?
Oh, my beloved land,
I cannot live without you...
The old man lied. There's
no happiness beyond the seas.
Hoist sail!
We're homeward bound.
My brave troop,
we sailed over many a sea.
But we made no offering to the King
of the Sea. He
Садко Садко

Читайте также:
- текст Нечто на английском
- текст Запятнанная Репутация на английском
- текст Десять негритят на английском
- текст Чапаев на английском
- текст Распутник на английском

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